Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 167
SPC David C.
No. I honestly believe the uniformed services, to include Fire, police, and EMS don't drink the same brand of Kool-Aid that democratic policy makers drink. We see too much of the real world, not the make believe view through the rose colored glasses they want everyone to believe. Those politicians can't directly attack the services because that's career suicide, so they do shit like this to "discredit" the services.
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
8 mo
Mindless, meaningless retort; feeble attempt at superiority with cloying "champ" term. It simply lashes out at the disagreement, with no logic, no argument.
The information came - NOT from "politicians", but from law enforcement investigations. (That means "facts" to narrow minds). The government is then obligated to look at it, consider, ward off potential problems.
I fear your attitude, opinions, and reaction to my disagreement, point strongly toward you being one of those of concern.
SPC David C.
SPC David C.
8 mo
SPC Mark Marquette Lighten up...Francis. Hey, at least this time I didn't call you "champ".
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
8 mo
SPC David C. - "Lighten up"... So condescending, still! Single words don't "attack': it's the whole context of the message. Yours is blatanly, vieely obvious.
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LTC David Brown
A few years back a JAG officer and expert in gang tags and signs found them all over military bases. He was concerned about gang members joining the military to gain combat experience in gang wars. Should we worry about that?
SPC Vonnie Jones
SPC Vonnie Jones
10 mo
I am more inclined to believe an expert than the daily beast.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
9 mo
Not beyond imagining. However, seems the cadre in BT and AIT would not have a difficult time identifying potential trouble makers. That is certainly part of their job!
LtCol Bruce Janis
LtCol Bruce Janis
9 mo
OK…I was at Camp Pendleton in 69, prior to a port call for the Nam. There were numerous rifles being stolen, supposedly by gang bangers. Fast forward 20 years and I was an LAPD detective working robbery. We recovered more than o e stolen fullauto M-16 from the Crips and the Bloods (AKA the Brims).
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
7 mo
LtCol Bruce Janis - There is a story there waiting to be told!
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PO2 Stephen Cline
The problem with that question is just who are the Radicalize military Vets? From what I hear we are the radicalized, Those of us that still believe in God Country and our oaths to the same.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
9 mo
Therein lies the problem. The mainstream media is, for the most part, controlled by leftists and progressives. By their own train of thought, anyone who disagrees with them are a "threat".

When cities were being burned down by anarchists, 30 months ago, the leftists did not see it as a threat. The livelihoods of working business owners or their employees did not matter, because their survival or extinction does not hurt those media elites.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
9 mo
We are right. Don't worry about what Jerks say.
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SP5 Philip McClure
One sides terrorist is the other sides freedom fighter.
That being said, which side has consistently been using terror (looting, burning, rioting, violence, threats, etc) to gain their political goals?
A free man believes what he sees, not what he is told.
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
8 mo
actually, NO ONE, in the last year or more.
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LTC Self Employed
I really was upset when we had this stand down right after January 6th. I remember I was still in the Army Reserve and I was working for the g357 of my one Star Command. You could tell that the Army was already compromised even though technically President Biden hadn't taken office yet. They discussed radicalism showing right wing examples on our dot Mill that was sent from some G2 source of the Army Reserve. It didn't consider anything that happened in 2020 that related to left-wing extremism. I'm specifically talking about black lives matter which we now know is more like the black lying Marxist types that hit up people for money just to buy homes all over the country and a former Communist Party headquarters in canada. They only cared about blacks that were killed by white police officers. They didn't care about black on black murder. They also didn't care about black people who were killed by other black people because of the Anarchy and their businesses being destroyed after the excuse of the George Floyd murder. I brought this up. My G3 actual was not there for this meeting of the staff in the three section. But I didn't care and I didn't care if some left-wing feel great officer for flag officer was going to get mad at me for stating the obvious. But 900 pound gorilla in the room was that we really didn't see any right-wing extremism but in this case 2020 was mostly the what I call the pussy anti-fascist closet fascist type. Sure, January 6th and but it wasn't a coup like anything I had seen before. It wasn't like a coup in Thailand where the military takes over the country. It wasn't like a coup in Turkey. Nobody took over a TV or radio stations, no military units had an Insurrection and blocked roads leading to Washington dc. Let's not forget that Nancy Pelosi and her Sergeant arms refused president Trump's request for true on the ground before the insurrection. But they overcompensated like an idiot and put troops on the ground with no Mission and no threats just trying to look good. Let's not forget that we now know that the people who could have made the decision such as the adjutant general of Washington DC and other military leaders were afraid of the Optics so now it bit them in the butt or how you would say in the Army it hit them in the 5th point of contact so they tried to make scapegoats and you have people on this medium that blame all Republicans and put them in the same category as the neo-nazis of northern Idaho Ruby Ridge types.

Notice that before Kamala Harris became our absent-minded vice president she was sponsoring money to get people out of jail that were arrested for rioting during the summer of Anarchy that stupid CNN called mostly peaceful.

I think there are more transgender people than there are actual neo-nazis. Thanks to Sergeant First Class Davis showed us that the Rand corporation which stands for research and development did a study found out that there are a lot more extreme leftist types than there are extreme right wing types. Yet some people here on Rally Point consider all Republicans no matter how level-headed they are, the same as the Illinois Nazis that you see in The Blues Brothers movie.

With all the indictments going against former president Trump and how is civil rights are being violated, do you see armed mobs and Insurrection in the street? The left will make you think that so you vote for them again so they can continue to destroy the United States from within.

SFC John D. CSM Darieus ZaGara SSG Roger Ayscue Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa SFC (Join to see) MSG Lonnie Averkamp MSG Joseph Cristofaro LTC Trent Klug
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
9 mo
SFC (Join to see)

It's interesting that President Kennedy like this book called seven days in May and they allowed for filming in front of the real White House. It kind of reminds me of the so-called 'mostly peaceful'rioting that were actually pleasing to Democrats because I knew that anything that make Trump look bad was going to help them in the presidential elections of 2020. We already knew the Democrats were anti-police. At least the modern Democrats are. The Democrats of the 60s and seventies were more even handed and they weren't like Angela Davis radicals or black lives matter marxists of today.

So the enemy of my enemy was my friend or at least that's what I think the Democrats did was join forces with the radical closet fascist left and the BLM Marxist types to Foster Anarchy in 2020 and stupid Kamala Harris was sitting there on TV asked me for donations to bail out these idiots

This movie is available on full length for free on YouTube.

This was a possible military coup in a fictitious president that is a little brighter than President Biden but not by much but at least he knows to not say God Save the Queen.
LTC John Griscom CSM Darieus ZaGara SSG Roger Ayscue Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa SFC (Join to see) MSG Lonnie Averkamp LTC Trent Klug MSG Joseph Cristofaro
SFC Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
4 mo
I hope they all rot in jail...
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 mo
SFC (Join to see) The January 6th idiots did not get charged with its direction even though they're trying to do that with President Trump wasn't there. They will be charged with trespassing, but not with insurrection. I wonder how many of those palestinian nazis protesting and washington d c will be arrested? I bet you they were arrested, but I bet you democrats will Give them a misdemeanor citation. 2 sets of Justice, especially if the protest is for the radical left cause.
MSG Brett Naum
MSG Brett Naum
4 mo
SFC (Join to see) - An uninformed opinion and obviously with a left leaning bias. smh
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Sara Lucas
Oh Please
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SSG Rob Lawrence
Like any human organization, the United States military has some bad apples in it’s group. The military needs to constantly monitor the individuals within it’s group to weed out these bad apples. Nothing effects the effectiveness of a unit more then those who espouse ideas, thoughts and action that divide and threaten the cohesiveness of any unit. Uprooting the disruptive individuals in any unit isn’t wokeness, it’s sound policy in my view.
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SGM Operations Sergeant Major
Today’s writers can’t just report facts—they have to add hyperbole to every article. Journalism is dead.
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Maj John Bell
Edited 4 mo ago
A true threat to our nation is an existential threat. So no, I don't think radicalized vets are a threat to the nation.

Do they need to be dealt with? Yes. The question is when.

I'd rather deal with radicalized vets when they cross the line from legal activity to illegal activity than deal with a government that ignores the Constitution in the name of public safety.

CPT (Join to see) SFC (Join to see) PO3 Shayne Seibert LTC Trent Klug SFC John D. LTC Trent Klug LTC (Join to see) MSG Joseph Cristofaro
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
4 mo
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
4 mo
I'm right there with you.

I'll bet the "radicalized vets" the Daily Beast are referring to are those of a conservative bent.
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SGT Louis Perrault
It depends on what you consider "radicalized " every ABC, MSN, msnbc consider anyone who defends thier rights are radicalized. The government thinks if you don't support DEI, OR ⁷CRT you are
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
3 mo
Count me in Brother Louis.
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