Posted on Jul 8, 2019
The Colonel's Motivational Quotes of the Day!
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 44
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
My journey has sure made a lot of twists and turns as well as ups and downs. I have trouble understanding it most days.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Heck yes Robert. Great quote for today brother! Before you judge them you need to understand their story as well. Have a great Monday Maj Robert Thornton
LTC Stephen F.
I pray that you and I enjoy the journey of life and are able to laugh at ourselves and with others instead of at them, my friend and brother-in-Christ Maj Robert Thornton.
LORD YOU made the soul of each one of us in YOUR image and YOU value humans in general as the Crown of Creation. I pray that we who are YOURS treat each person we come into contact with respect and that we honor them as we would like to be honored.
Empower us to encourage those who need encouragement and give us insight to encourage those too desperate to reveal they pain.
You ordain the ways and means in our lives LORD. YOUR plans are for good for each one of us who are YOURs and YOU work all things to good for us corporately and individually.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a mouth which blesses and does not curse any person we interact with in thought or deed.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
LORD YOU made the soul of each one of us in YOUR image and YOU value humans in general as the Crown of Creation. I pray that we who are YOURS treat each person we come into contact with respect and that we honor them as we would like to be honored.
Empower us to encourage those who need encouragement and give us insight to encourage those too desperate to reveal they pain.
You ordain the ways and means in our lives LORD. YOUR plans are for good for each one of us who are YOURs and YOU work all things to good for us corporately and individually.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a mouth which blesses and does not curse any person we interact with in thought or deed.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
If I could choose a life story, I would like to think that I could have a faith such as Noah had. He was not perfect yet God loved him for his faith and devotion to God. To think it took 120 years to do what God had commanded and to see the results of things not seen before must have been a real test of faith. Noah was a man who loved God when the rest of the world did not. That must have been a lonely feeling for him and his family. God is always faithful and He has a purpose for our life. Do not be afraid to find out what it is. Be blessed my RP Family.
Taken from
Meet Noah: A Righteous Man
The Bible Presents Noah as Blameless Among the People of His Time
Noah in the Bible
Updated August 05, 2018
Noah is one of the most important people in the Bible. In a world taken over by evil, violence, and corruption, he is presented as a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time. Not only that, he was the only follower of God left on Earth.
It is difficult to imagine such unwavering faithfulness in the midst of total godlessness, but that is the lesson that Noah's story teaches the faithful. Over and over again, the Bible states: "Noah did everything just as God commanded." His life of 950 years exemplified obedience.
Noah and the Flood
During Noah's time, the wickedness of man had covered the earth like a flood. As a result, God commanded a flood of His own, a literal one, in which He intended all the people of Earth to perish. Only Noah and his family would be spared. It was God's intention that it would be they, led by Noah's wisdom, who would restart humanity. To prepare for the upcoming apocalypse, the Lord instructed Noah to build an ark in which he, his family, and two of each animal on earth would be sheltered during the storm. Noah diligently accepted God's call, and never wavered from it. Appropriately mentioned in the "Hall of Faith" in the Book of Hebrews, Noah is considered an exemplar of the Christian faith.
When we meet Noah in the Bible, we learn that he is the only follower of God remaining in his generation. After the flood, he becomes the second father of the human race. As an engineer, architect, and shipbuilder, he put together an amazing structure, the likes of which had never before been built.
With the length of the project spanning 120 years, building the ark was quite a notable achievement. Noah's greatest accomplishment, however, was his faithful commitment to obeying and walking with God all the days of his life.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Although Noah loved God with his whole heart and was fully committed to obeying His every command, this does not mean he was perfect or sinless. In fact, he had a weakness for wine, apparently his only recorded sin. In Genesis, chapter 9, the Bible tells how Noah became drunk and passed out in his tent, making himself an embarrassment to his sons.
Life Lessons
Noah's life can be seen as a model of patience, persistence, and unwavering faithfulness to God in the face of a faithless society. Surely it wasn't easy for Noah, but he found favor in God's eyes because of his remarkable obedience.
Christians and Jews believe that just as God blessed and saved Noah, He will faithfully bless and protect those who follow and obey Him today. The call to obedience is not a short-term, one-time call. Like Noah, obedience must be lived out over a lifetime of faithful commitment. Those who persevere will finish the race.
The story of Noah's drunken transgression is a reminder that even the godliest people have weaknesses and can fall prey to temptation and sin. The faithful believe that sin not only affects the individual in negative ways but also those with whom people come into contact—friends, family, and other loved ones.
Biblical References
The following books and chapters cover the life and times of Noah: Genesis 5–10; 1 Chronicles 1:3–4; Isaiah 54:9; Ezekiel 14:14; Matthew 24:37–38; Luke 3:36 and 17:26; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5.
Shipbuilder, farmer, and preacher.
Family Life
The Bible tells us that Noah is the son of Lamech and that one of his grandfathers was Methuselah. When he was 500 years old, Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and it is those sons, along with their wives and Noah's wife, Naamah, who survived the flood and repopulated the Earth. Although the Bible says that after the flood the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, located in modern-day Turkey, it does not tell us where Noah and his family settled.
Key Verses
Genesis 6:9:
"This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God." (NIV)
Genesis 6:22:
"Noah did everything just as God commanded him." (NIV)
Genesis 9:8-16:
"Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: "I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you...Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth...I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth...Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." (NIV)
Hebrews 11:7:
"By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith." (NIV)
SFC Bernard Walko SPC Robert Pulliam TSgt Carl Johnson TSgt George Rodriguez SGT Thomas Seward PO1 Richard Nyberg SFC Alvin Miller PO3 Aaron Hassay SSgt Richard Kensinger
LTC Orlando Illi MSgt James "Buck" Buchanan CPO Nate S. SGT Mike Williams PO2 Geoffrey LeNoir CPO Robert (Mac) McGovern
SrA Marianne Santangelo LTC David Brown SFC (Join to see) Maj Wayne Crist
Taken from
Meet Noah: A Righteous Man
The Bible Presents Noah as Blameless Among the People of His Time
Noah in the Bible
Updated August 05, 2018
Noah is one of the most important people in the Bible. In a world taken over by evil, violence, and corruption, he is presented as a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time. Not only that, he was the only follower of God left on Earth.
It is difficult to imagine such unwavering faithfulness in the midst of total godlessness, but that is the lesson that Noah's story teaches the faithful. Over and over again, the Bible states: "Noah did everything just as God commanded." His life of 950 years exemplified obedience.
Noah and the Flood
During Noah's time, the wickedness of man had covered the earth like a flood. As a result, God commanded a flood of His own, a literal one, in which He intended all the people of Earth to perish. Only Noah and his family would be spared. It was God's intention that it would be they, led by Noah's wisdom, who would restart humanity. To prepare for the upcoming apocalypse, the Lord instructed Noah to build an ark in which he, his family, and two of each animal on earth would be sheltered during the storm. Noah diligently accepted God's call, and never wavered from it. Appropriately mentioned in the "Hall of Faith" in the Book of Hebrews, Noah is considered an exemplar of the Christian faith.
When we meet Noah in the Bible, we learn that he is the only follower of God remaining in his generation. After the flood, he becomes the second father of the human race. As an engineer, architect, and shipbuilder, he put together an amazing structure, the likes of which had never before been built.
With the length of the project spanning 120 years, building the ark was quite a notable achievement. Noah's greatest accomplishment, however, was his faithful commitment to obeying and walking with God all the days of his life.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Although Noah loved God with his whole heart and was fully committed to obeying His every command, this does not mean he was perfect or sinless. In fact, he had a weakness for wine, apparently his only recorded sin. In Genesis, chapter 9, the Bible tells how Noah became drunk and passed out in his tent, making himself an embarrassment to his sons.
Life Lessons
Noah's life can be seen as a model of patience, persistence, and unwavering faithfulness to God in the face of a faithless society. Surely it wasn't easy for Noah, but he found favor in God's eyes because of his remarkable obedience.
Christians and Jews believe that just as God blessed and saved Noah, He will faithfully bless and protect those who follow and obey Him today. The call to obedience is not a short-term, one-time call. Like Noah, obedience must be lived out over a lifetime of faithful commitment. Those who persevere will finish the race.
The story of Noah's drunken transgression is a reminder that even the godliest people have weaknesses and can fall prey to temptation and sin. The faithful believe that sin not only affects the individual in negative ways but also those with whom people come into contact—friends, family, and other loved ones.
Biblical References
The following books and chapters cover the life and times of Noah: Genesis 5–10; 1 Chronicles 1:3–4; Isaiah 54:9; Ezekiel 14:14; Matthew 24:37–38; Luke 3:36 and 17:26; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5.
Shipbuilder, farmer, and preacher.
Family Life
The Bible tells us that Noah is the son of Lamech and that one of his grandfathers was Methuselah. When he was 500 years old, Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and it is those sons, along with their wives and Noah's wife, Naamah, who survived the flood and repopulated the Earth. Although the Bible says that after the flood the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, located in modern-day Turkey, it does not tell us where Noah and his family settled.
Key Verses
Genesis 6:9:
"This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God." (NIV)
Genesis 6:22:
"Noah did everything just as God commanded him." (NIV)
Genesis 9:8-16:
"Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: "I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you...Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth...I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth...Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." (NIV)
Hebrews 11:7:
"By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith." (NIV)
SFC Bernard Walko SPC Robert Pulliam TSgt Carl Johnson TSgt George Rodriguez SGT Thomas Seward PO1 Richard Nyberg SFC Alvin Miller PO3 Aaron Hassay SSgt Richard Kensinger
LTC Orlando Illi MSgt James "Buck" Buchanan CPO Nate S. SGT Mike Williams PO2 Geoffrey LeNoir CPO Robert (Mac) McGovern
SrA Marianne Santangelo LTC David Brown SFC (Join to see) Maj Wayne Crist
LTC Stephen F.
I pray that you and I enjoy the journey of life and are able to laugh at ourselves and with others instead of at them, my friend and brother-in-Christ PO1 H Gene Lawrence and sister-in-Christ Linda Lawrence.
LORD YOU made the soul of each one of us in YOUR image and YOU value humans in general as the Crown of Creation. I pray that we who are YOURS treat each person we come into contact with respect and that we honor them as we would like to be honored.
Empower us to encourage those who need encouragement and give us insight to encourage those too desperate to reveal they pain.
You ordain the ways and means in our lives LORD. YOUR plans are for good for each one of us who are YOURs and YOU work all things to good for us corporately and individually.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a mouth which blesses and does not curse any person we interact with in thought or deed.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
LORD YOU made the soul of each one of us in YOUR image and YOU value humans in general as the Crown of Creation. I pray that we who are YOURS treat each person we come into contact with respect and that we honor them as we would like to be honored.
Empower us to encourage those who need encouragement and give us insight to encourage those too desperate to reveal they pain.
You ordain the ways and means in our lives LORD. YOUR plans are for good for each one of us who are YOURs and YOU work all things to good for us corporately and individually.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a mouth which blesses and does not curse any person we interact with in thought or deed.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
PO2 Tollie Lee
just think,, eight souls saved for the flood, the ARK ROSE ABOVE FAITH is a must
Tollie Lee
Tollie Lee
Good morning COL Mikel J. Burroughs We have a rainy day in the DMV.
Basically, "this is my life, my story and my choices." We do get to choose what we put in our story and we should consider our decisions before we head in a particular direction. We can edit too, and change our story from chapter to chapter and page to page. It's about what you want to say and what you want to create. Remember you can keep it private or share it; it's your story and your decision.
LTC Stephen F. SPC Douglas Bolton Sgt John H. TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Maj Marty Hogan MSgt David Hoffman SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown CPL Dave Hoover CMSgt (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell SCPO Morris Ramsey SP5 Mark Kuzinski LTC (Join to see) SPC Mark HuddlestonLt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Basically, "this is my life, my story and my choices." We do get to choose what we put in our story and we should consider our decisions before we head in a particular direction. We can edit too, and change our story from chapter to chapter and page to page. It's about what you want to say and what you want to create. Remember you can keep it private or share it; it's your story and your decision.
LTC Stephen F. SPC Douglas Bolton Sgt John H. TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Maj Marty Hogan MSgt David Hoffman SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown CPL Dave Hoover CMSgt (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell SCPO Morris Ramsey SP5 Mark Kuzinski LTC (Join to see) SPC Mark HuddlestonLt Col John (Jack) Christensen
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Lt Col Charlie Brown - Excellent quote and awesome thoughts about your life story this morning Charlie! You and Tom keep the white-out and erasers close by as you write another page on this fine Monday, oh yea keep the pencil sharpened to write down some really good notes along the way. Enjoy Charlie!
LTC Stephen F.
I pray that you and I enjoy the journey of life and are able to laugh at ourselves and with others instead of at them, my friend and sister-in-Christ Lt Col Charlie Brown.
LORD YOU made the soul of each one of us in YOUR image and YOU value humans in general as the Crown of Creation. I pray that we who are YOURS treat each person we come into contact with respect and that we honor them as we would like to be honored.
Empower us to encourage those who need encouragement and give us insight to encourage those too desperate to reveal they pain.
You ordain the ways and means in our lives LORD. YOUR plans are for good for each one of us who are YOURs and YOU work all things to good for us corporately and individually.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a mouth which blesses and does not curse any person we interact with in thought or deed.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
LORD YOU made the soul of each one of us in YOUR image and YOU value humans in general as the Crown of Creation. I pray that we who are YOURS treat each person we come into contact with respect and that we honor them as we would like to be honored.
Empower us to encourage those who need encouragement and give us insight to encourage those too desperate to reveal they pain.
You ordain the ways and means in our lives LORD. YOUR plans are for good for each one of us who are YOURs and YOU work all things to good for us corporately and individually.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a mouth which blesses and does not curse any person we interact with in thought or deed.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
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