Posted on Aug 28, 2022
VA botched thousands of Camp Lejeune water contamination cases
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL I filed and was denied over stomach issues which I believe to be from Camp Lejeune. The V.A. says there isn't enough evidence to substantiate my claim so I am screwed on that I guess. Re=filing would probably be useless.
Cpl Vic Burk
GySgt Jack Wallace - About what they tell everyone gambling that you will not get it. How long was you at Camp Lejeune Gunny? I was there two years and two months.
GySgt Jack Wallace
Cpl Vic Burk - 6 months* And I almost hated everyday I was there.The Corps lost a hard charging, very motivated, gung-ho Marine. Most of all the Command staff hated it there or hated the younger hard chargers. Lord help you, if you said anything about the smelly water!!!!!!!! A career change for me. I guess that it all worked -out. But, when Camp Lejeune and the contaminated water comes up, it just pisses me off. And I always wonder why/if anyone ever got punished for letting this get out of hand** Sorry, this is A Very touchy subject for me!!!
Cpl Vic Burk
GySgt Jack Wallace - m No need to apologize Gunny. I can't remember anyone saying they liked Camp Lejeune. I sure as hell didn't but I was assigned there so I did my job. We often referred to Camp Lejeune as "The armpit of the Marine Corps." I don't know that I ever considered myself to be a "Career Marine" but I'm sure my tour there didn't help my mental thought process of re-enlisting in a positive way.
GySgt Jack Wallace
Cpl Vic Burk - I with you Cpl. Burk. And this contaimed water thing just takes me over the top as our government keeps messing with the Marines over and over again. Wanted to use other words but I'am better than that ,I hope.Just reacting to this makes me relive my time in Camp Lejeune and the verbal abuse that most went through. And on top of that , the VA /government still don't give a Crap * Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now. It will take me sometime to calm-down but I'll be ok.Don't like to sound-off but when it comes to Camp Lejeune and it's Command and it's water poisoning,I get very upset/anger and pissed-off* I was almost a career Marine but God gave me another field/duty assignment. Thanks brother Marine for interacting with me on this Disgraceful subject matter!! Semper Fi
And you're surprised. Very unsatisfactory. I was station at Camp Lejeune during this contamination time. I'am very Blessed that my wife and I lived off base and only had small amounts of the contaminated water. Next question, why did the Marine Corp wait more that( 30 yrs) to report this and start taking care of it's own?????? The smell gave it a way, The Command Staff knew*
Cpl Vic Burk
GySgt Jack Wallace And that is the point. They knew it but did nothing about it. I guess figuring it would go away on its own?
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