NICARAGUA: The Battle of Ocotal
NICARAGUA. Geography: Nicaragua has a long and disputed border with Honduras. About a quarter way up from the Pacific,the piece of Nicaragua jogs into Honduras, I don't know how that fits into the dispute. Years ago, my friend Heliodoro Valle was Honduran Ambassador to Mexico. When a newsman asked him about the border. He simply said "it is in dispute". This was sufficient for the Honduran government to fire him. Ocotal is at the base of this jog. Now the Pan American Highway goes through there. Nearly sixty years ago I went through it, before the highway was finished.
Nicaragua. History: "In 1901 the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty gave the US the undisputed right to build a canal across the Isthmus, In 1909 the US supported a Conservative insurrection against the Liberal dictator José Santos Zalaya. In 1910 agreements were signed making Nicaragua a financial ward of US bankers. From 1912 to 1933 US Marines repeatedly intervened to support the Conservative Party. President Solorzano was ousted by a rival Conservative group, which proclaimed Emiliano Chamorro president in 1926. This resulted in a civil war. The US mediated and brought about the Pact of Espino Negro. A Liberal group led by Augusto César Sandino refused to sign the pact and denounced US intervention. This is the confused background of the battle of Ocotal.
Marine General Sullivan says: "I was very interested in Henry Carlisle's words on the first "collateral damage" deaths from aerial bombardment during the battle at Ocotal, 16 July 1927, shortly after midnight up through mid afternoon. I found a detailed report on the battle in a book called Soldiers of the Sea by Robert D Heinl Jr, (United States Naval Institue, 1962). It's an amazing story and ushered in the first Close Air Support ever conducted in warfare and, of course, it is still the hallmark for the Marine-Air Ground Team today.
The chronology of the battle can be found on pp. 267-269. A summary of the battle is as follows: The Marines had a small garrison in Ocotal of 37 Marines with a Capt Hatfield in charge. The Nicaraguan Guardia across the plaza, also commanded by a Marine, Lt Darnall, had 47 "guardias". Both the Marines and the Guardias were very lightly armed and , in fact slept with their rifles due to the impending threat. Capt Hatfield heard that Sandino was close by and passed the word that it was time for him to come in and surrender. Sandino and his forces came in all right but not to surrender. By late in the night on the 15th most of his forces had drifted into Ocotal. He had a force of 800 men and 8 machine guns. Sandino's men also carried extra rifles and ammunition to be issued to sympathizers in the town.
More than one hundred habitants of the Liberal persuasion responded. Telegraph lines were cut, and a team was selected to blow up the local airstrip where planes could land. Additionally they were told to blow up any Marine aircraft, however, none were there. It was a brilliant plan, and Sandino related that the purpose of the attack was to "drink Yankee blood". A Marine sentry at 0115 on 16 July saw a suspicious figure moving and challenged him, but the challenge was met with a burst of gunfire. Seconds later a machine gun opened fire and within 3 minutes both the garrison and the Guardia were taken fire from all directions. The battle raged for 2 hours and then slackened as Sandino's bugles sounded recall. An hour later a second attack commenced but, it too, was repelled;steady firing continued till 0810.
Once again, the Nicaraguans checked their fire. But this time a flag of truce came forward to the Marine garrison delivered by a Sandino envoy. Sandino complimented Capt Hatfield on his resistance but stated he knew they were out of water (they weren't) and that with overwhelming odds he demanded their surrender within the hour. Capt Hatfield, feeling that Sandino exhibited supreme impudence, sent the envoy scurrying back saying "Marine don't know how to surrender and, water or no water, we will stick it out till captured or killed. We will commence firing as soon as the bearer of the truce flag has turned the nearest corner!" At that very moment in Managua a section of DH-4s were getting ready to take-off on normal patrol. At 1010 the two aircraft chugged over Ocotal, and it was apparent something was wrong. One pilot landed his aircraft on a deserted airsrip, collared a frightened townsman and was told what was happening. The other aircraft had flown over the Marine garrison and saw panels displayed in the compound that said "Being attacked by Sandino". Both pilots then expended all their ammo in strafing attacks and then scampered back to Managua to get reinforcements.
At 1230, Maj Rowell, Commanding Officer of Marine Observation Squadron 1, launched out of Managua with all the operational aircraft he had, 5 DH-4s,and flew to Ocotal through some poor weather but they made it by 1435, anyhow. Each aircraft had four 25 lb bombs and all the machine gun bullets that could be belted. The attacks totally decimated the enemy and this was the first dive bombing attack in the history of war. Major Rowell relates the tactics they used and he states "After the second pass of the planes, the enemy began pouring out of the town and ran wildly to cover, horses were dispersed, and in general there was a wild scramble. This afforded excellent targets for the planes with their machine guns. Bombs were reserved for larger groups." They were strafing at 300 feet and at the slow speed of those aircraft it was deadly accurate. After 45 minutes the DH-4s were running low on gas so they broke it off and headed home.
The battle of Ocotal was over! After the planes departed the Marines and Guardias warily mopped up the battered town. Approximately 300 Sandino bandits and sympathizing townspeople had been killed, about two-thirds by Rowell's dive bombing and straffing. Capt Hatfield commented that "practically every Liberal family in town being in mourning". Friendly casualties were one Marine killed and and four Marines and guardias wounded. This tremendous defeat of Sandino in his first major battle gave a sense of false security to the Conservatives who thought they'd never hear from Sandino again. As history tells us this was not to be the case! I believe the "collateral damage deaths" were minimal as the townspeople sided with the wrong side and paid the price of fleeing in the open under an air attack. All this is such fascinating reading and the courage of all combatants under such Spartan condition really earns my admiration and respect..."
My comment: Again, we see history from two different perspectives. Sandino´s Liberal troops are not regarded as "bandits" by most Nicaraguans, for whom Sandino is a hero. A big picture of him hung over the old Managua cathedral destroyed by an earthquake. My guess is that it is not in the new cathedral, built with American money and surrounded by barbed wire for fear of attack. The "first dive bombing attack in the history of war" was a first, but Nicaraguans do not appreciate it. We must get hold of some Nicaraguan history textbooks to see how they tell the story. Henry Carlisle can help us here. He must know some Nicaraguans who can give us their "Carleton Beals" viewpoint and send us a history textbook for us to analyze. Or perhaps two, one giving the Conservative, the other the Liberal view of history.
Ronald Hilton - 4/2/02 HEROIC SANDINISTA NARRATIVE maintains that thousands of US Marines died in the Segovian mountains during the period of the US invasion & occupation. In fact, from the beginning of the "second intervention" in mid-1926 until the final Marine withdrawal on January 2, 1933, a total of 136 Marines lost their lives.
This page houses the official list of Marine Corps casualties in Nicaragua from 1 January 1927 to 2 January 1933.
It might be noted that I have found nothing in any report, letter, diary, or anything else produced by the Marines & Guardia that contradicts this official tally. Of the 136 Marines who lost their lives in Nicaragua during this period, 32 were killed in action; 15 died of wounds suffered in battle; 24 died of disease; 41 died of accidental causes; 12 committed suicide; 11 were victims of homicide; and one was shot resisting arrest.
The full list is transcribed below (with the exception of the "chronological tables," since the information they contain can be derived from the other lists; these tables appear on pp. 8-9 of the JPEG files, for which I ask the reader's indulgence for my coffee stains and scribbled notes). Links to reports that describe the specific circumstances are provided where possible. (Photo above: Grave of USMC Pfc. Michael A. Obleski, died of wounds suffered in the Battle of Ocotal, 16 July 1927. RG127, US National Archives II, College Park, MD.)
JANUARY 1, 1927 TO JANUARY 2, 1933
Killed in Action:
Name Rank Unit Date Place
BRUNTON, Lawrence C. 2nd Lt NNGD 32.04.21 nr Apali
BUCHANAN, Richard B. Capt MD, USS Arkansas 27.05.16 LA PAZ CENTRO
POWER, Lester E. 1st Lt NNGD 31.06.15 Embocaderos
PEFLEY, Harlen Capt NNGD 31.04.11 nr Logtown
THOMAS, Earl A. 2nd Lt VO 7-M 27.10.08 NR QUILALI
ARON, Irving T. Cpl 51st-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
BRUCE, Thomas G. 1st Sgt NNGD 28.01.01 NR SAPOTILLAL
BUSH, Lambert Pvt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
CALLAWAY, Bernard F. Pvt 49th-5th 27.12.18 MACUELIZO
COLLINS, Rastus Pvt 45th-5th 29.01.21 San Antonio
COVINGTON, Laurin T. Cpl NNGD 32.04.21 nr Apali
CROSSON, Estler Pvt 1cl 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
DOWDELL, Frank E. Sgt VO-7M 27.10.08 NR QUILALI
ELLIOTT, Edward E. Pvt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
GOLDSMITH, George E. Pvt 1cl 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
HARBAUGH, Joseph A. Pvt. 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
HEMPHILL, Johnny F. 1st Sgt NNGD 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
JACKSON, Marvin A. Pvt MD USS Florida 27.05.16 LA PAZ CENTRO
KOSIERADZKI, Frank Pvt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
LITZ, Richard J. Pvt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
McCARTY, Joseph A. Pvt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
McGHEE, William E. Sgt NNGD 31.06.15 Embocaderos
OSWILL, George T. Pvt 45th-5th 29.01.21 nr San Antonio
PALRANG, Arthur M. Sgt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
PUMP, John C. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
RECTOR, Everett A. Pvt 1cl H&H 3rd-5th 30.01.21 San Antonio
ROBBINS, George E. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
RUSSELL, Lenton C. Pvt 23rd-5th 27.09.19 TELPANECA
SCHLAUCH, Albert Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
STENGEL, Meyer Pvt MD USS Denver 28.08.07 nr Wamblan
THIELHART, Adolph Cpl 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
WATSON, Grady W. Pvt 1cl 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
[explanatory notes] [battalion-reg't] [] [nr = near]
Died of Wounds:
HUNTER, Robert S. Capt HQ 2nd Brig 28.05.13 Peña Blanca
AUSTIN, Cicero D. Cpl H&H 2nd Brig 5th 28.02.28 CONDEGA
BLACK, Elmer Pvt 57th-11th 29.03.26 Jocote
CULBRETH, Paul L. Pvt 43rd-5th 30.09.29 Condega
FREEMAN, Norman G. Sgt NNGD 30.08.02 Las Cruces
GLASER, James S. Pvt 66th-5th 27.09.19 TELPANECA
KIRKENDALL, David M. Pvt 43rd-5th 31.01.02 nr Ocotal
MOTT, Curtis J. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.28 NR CONDEGA
OBLESKI, Michael A. Pvt 16th-5th 27.07.16 OCOTAL
RUE, Arthur W. Pvt 66th-5th 27.11.27 nr Somoto
SAVULICH, Michael Pvt MD USS Denver 29.03.17 nr Pavona
TORO, Rafael Pvt 17th-5th 27.07.25 San Fernando
WHITE, Russell Sgt NNGD 30.11.10 nr Guapotal
WILLIAMS, Charles Gy Sgt 52nd-11th 28.12.06 nr Chuyelite
WILLIAMSON, William L. Cpl 47th-11th 28.05.13 Peña Blanca
Died of Diseases:
HEALEY, Leo 1st Lt NNGD malaria 31.02.17 Managua
BROOKS, Leroy A. Pvt 62nd-11th malaria 28.11.09 Matiguas
BURNETT, Francis E. Cpl Sgt Co 3M pneumonia 30.09.12 Managua
BURNETT, Parker E. Pvt 1cl 77th-5th paratyphoid 28.10.12 Managua
CLAUSEN, Anton S. Sgt NNGD dementia paralytica 32.06.04 Managua
COHEN, Abe Pvt 45th-5th peritonitis 28.02.09 San Albino
CUMMINGS, Frank A. Pvt 46th-11th pneumonia 28.11.03 Jalapa
DRULARD, John F. Pvt 17th-5th pneumonia 28.02.29 Juigalpa
GINGRAS, Louis W. Pvt 45th-5th appendicitis 27.03.31 Matagalpa
GIUSTINIANI, Alfred J. Pvt 20th-5th cerebral hem. 27.06.06 Jinotega
HAND, Carl C. Pvt H&H 1st-5th appendicitis 28.01.13 San Albino
HASTINGS, Ira C. Pvt 57th-11th meningitis 29.03.17 Managua
LAKIN, Raymond N. Pvt 45th-5th typhoid 29.01.14 Managua
McKENZIE, William L. Sgt Mjr ----- malaria 28.12.19 Ocotal
MARTIN, Lee Sgt 23rd-5th cerebrospinal fever 29.06.07 Managua
O'NEAL, Giles E. Pvt 17th-5th typhoid 31.08.25 Managua
PAWLING, Maurice R., Jr. PFC MD USS Galveston intestinal obstruction 28.09.26 Puerto Cabezas
PINDAR, Claud PFC MD, USS Cleveland myocarditis 28.05.02 Managua
QUELLHORST, Eric D. PFC 16th-5th malaria 27.09.06 Jicaro
SANDERS, James H. Pvt HQ-AS pleurisy 31.10.26 Managua
SCHNEPP, Harry G. Pvt VJ 6-M septicemia 28.12.21 Managua
STRONG, Fielder M. Pvt MD, USS Rochester dysentery 27.02.17 Ancon, C.Z.
SULLIVAN, Harry J. Pvt 49th-5th dysentery 28.02.29 Condega
WILLIAMS, Claude R. Sgt 8th-5th myocarditis 29.07.23 Managua
Accidental Deaths:
BOURNE, Albert T. 1st Lt NNGD drowned 31.09.19 nr Navarro
BYRD, William C. ** Capt ObS 6-M plane crash 28.03.08 ** Esteli
DICKEY, James F. Chf QM Clk NNGD earthquake 31.03.31 Managua
HOWARD, Euvelle D. Capt HQ AS plane crash 29.07.22 nr Ocotal
KNIGHT, Clarence M. 1st Lt 57th-11th plane crash 29.07.22 nr Ocotal
McHUGH, James B. 2nd Lt VO 6-M plane crash 29.04.13 San Carlos
POUNDERS, Walter L. Mach gunner HQ AS plane crash 30.07.16 nr Managua
RUTLEDGE, Raymond P. 2nd Lt VO 7-M plance crash 32.08.24 nr Rama
ALBERT, Aloys A. Pvt 16th-5th acc GSW 27.04.27 Matagalpa
CAMPBELL, Richard M. Pvt HH 1st-8th plane crash 31.08.23 Corinto
CHESSER, David H. Tpr Serv-5th acc GSW 29.01.27 Tipitapa
CLARK, Lee Stf Sgt VJ 6-M plane crash 31.08.23 nr Corinto
CONLEY, Corliss E. Pvt HH 3rd-5th acc SI-GSW 28.02.13 Juigalpa
CZASZEWICZ, Francis A. Pvt 20th-5th drowned 28.10.02 nr Guiligua
FRANKFORTER, Rudolph A. Sgt ObS 6-M plane crash 28.03.08 Esteli
GEORGE, Lawrence J. Pvt 2nd Brig drowned 28.07.18 Tilba Falls
GEROW, Peter R. PFC 77th-5th acc GSW 27.08.08 Managua
GOEN, John R. Pvt 51st-5th drowned 28.08.11 Aula Rapids
GREGORY, Early Pvt 47th-11th acc GSW 28.03.02 El Gallo
GRUBBS, Cabble H. PFC Elec Det drowned 30.09.07 nr Leon
ISHAM, Hollis W. Pcl 59th-11th drowned 28.06.08 nr Asang
JOHNSON, Cray PFC HQ 2nd Br drowned 27.05.19 Managua
KILBRIDE, Joseph V. Pvt 14th-11th acc GSW 28.05.08 S Raf Norte
KOCHERSPERGER, Charles S. PFC 77th-5th drowned 27.01.13 Rama
LEAKE, Robert W. Sgt NGD fall fr horse 29.08.30 Managua
MARTIN, Chalmer L. Sgt HQ AS plane crash 30.07.16 nr Managua
MILLER, Otto Cpl VJ 6-M plane crash 29.04.13 nr Sn Carlos
MOODY, Robert K. Pvt VJ 6-M plane crash 29.07.22 nr Ocotal
MOORE, William I. Pvt 46th-11th drowned 28.09.19 Guacamte
MYERS, Earle E. Pvt 52nd-11th acc GSW 28.02.09 S Raf Norte
OZIOMEK, Waclaw Pvt 60th-11th drowned 29.01.30 Rio Prinzapolka
PERHAM, Frederick E. Pvt 66th-5th grenade exp 28.02.05 Ocotal
PINER, Byron O. Sgt V0-7M plane crash 29.04.13 nr San Carlos
RAMIREZ, Luis A. Sgt NNGD drowned 31.07.01 Rio Negro, Somotillo
RUTLEDGE, William N., Jr. Pvt MD USS Galveston drowned 28.11.27 Carreton Rapids
RYLAND, Chaster Sgt HH 1st-5th drowned 28.10.05 off Bluefields
SIMMONS, Orville B. Sgt VJ 6-M plane crash 32.08.24 nr Rama
SMITH, Leroy C. Pvt 17th-5th fall 30.11.05 Managua
STANAWHITE, Peter Pvt 18th-5th drowned 28.10.17 Lk Managua
STARNES, Garnett P. Pvt 51st-5th drowned 28.12.01 Rio Cape Gracias
WHITE, Hormisdas J. Pvt 2nd Brig drowned 28.07.23 Tilba Falls
** The date of Captain William C. Byrd's death has been corrected to March 8, 1928 instead of March 8, 1929, because Capt. Merritt Edson mentions Capt. Byrd's death on the third page of a LETTER DATED MARCH 29, 1928. In this case the Official List of Casualties must be incorrect. The date has been corrected to 1928, not 1929.
Died, Other Causes:
ALBAN, Harvey B. 1st Lt NNGD suicide 30.10.11 Corinto
BIRMINGHAM, Henry T. 1st Lt 5th Reg suicide 27.02.12 Managua
DARTT, Veryl H. 1st Lt NNGD homicide 30.04.18 Jicaro
McREYNOLDS, Charles S Mjr HQ-5th homicide 29.11.11 Diriamba
SELBY, Edward 1st Lt NNGD homicide 30.03.09 Jinotega
BUDAI, Albert A. Sgt NNGD homicide 30.06.18 Matagalpa
DAMRON, John Jr. Sgt NNGD suicide 30.09.14 Matagalpa
DIXON, Robert E. Pvt 60th-11th homicide 29.04.30 nr Danli
HARTLEY, James G. Pvt 2nd-11th suicide 28.05.09 Jinotega
HUGHES, Henry L. QM Sgt HQ 2nd Br suicide 28.11.07 Corinto
LEVONSKI, Charles J. Sgt NNGD homicide 32.04.04 Kisalaya
MARTIN, Jesse D. Pvt 8th-5th suicide 29.11.11 La Rosa
O'LOUGHLIN, John G. 1st Sgt Serv-11th suicide 29.07.15 Apali
OWEN, Charles O. Sgt NNGD homicide 30.12.21 Ocotal
PIGG, William H. Gy Sgt NNGD homicide 31.04.04 Managua
SCHMIERER, Edward H. Gy Sgt NNGD homicide 32.06.30 San Isidro
SILVERNAIL, John Cpl HQ-5th suicide 27.12.27 nr Managua
SMITH, John W. Cpl Serv-11th suicide 29.07.18 Ocotal
SPLITTGERBER, Paul C. Sgt 8th-5th suicide 27.09.01 Matagalpa
STOCK, Robert R. 1st Sgt 61st-11th suicide 29.06.30 Ocotal
TROGLER, Lewis H. Cpl. NNGD homicide 29.10.05 Telpaneca
TROTTER, James O. Sgt 43rd-5th suicide 28.07.18 Managua
WEST, John B. Pvt Elec Det shot resisting arrest 32.12.24 Chinandega
YOUNG, James O. Sgt NNGD homicide 30.04.18 Jicaro
Wounded in Action:
GOULD, Moses J. 1st Lt HH 3rd-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
LIVINGSTON, Richard Capt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
O'SHEA, George J. J. 1st Lt 16th-5th 27.10.09 SAPOTILLAL
PIERCE, Francis E. Capt VO-7M 28.03.19 nr Murra
RICHAL, Merton A. 1st Lt HH 1st-5th 28.01.01 SAPOTILLAL
BALLARD, Lewis E. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
BLANCHARD, Harry M. PFC 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
BRANDENBURG, Raleigh R PFC 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
BRANNON, Clyde T. 1st Sgt NNGD 32.02.02 nr Constancia
CARTER, Raymond B. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
CHRISTIAN, Wilbourn O. Sgt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
COLLINS, Robert H. Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
CORYELL, Fred Gy Sgt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
COYLE, John P. Pvt 16th-5th 28.01.01 NR GUANACASTILLO
COYNE, Bernard W. Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
CRUM, Peter C. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
DAVIS, Lem C. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
DONNELL, Robert A. Pvt 8th-5th 27.11.25 nr Espino
DOWD, Thomas F. PFC 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
DuBOIS, Max M. Pvt 47th-11th 28.05.13 nr Pena Blanca
EARNHARDT, James R. Pvt 43rd-5th 31.01.02 nr Ocotal
ELLARD, Audie C. PFC 2nd-11th 28.04.19 nr El Sauce
ENDRESS, Clifford C. Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
ERPELDING, George H. Pvt 43rd-5th 30.08.23 Duceuelito
FIELD, Scott Sgt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
FITZPATRICK, Aruthur L. Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
FULTZ, Gilbert M. Pvt 23rd-5th 27.11.01 nr Jicaro
GARRISON, Charles S. Pvt 16th-5th 27.07.16 OCOTAL
HAGERMAN, Nicholas B. Pvt 20th-5th 28.01.23 NR CHIPOTE
HARRIS, Robert F. Gy Sgt NNGD 29.02.19 Jinotega
HAYS, Virgil Pvt NNGD 32.06.27 nr San Juan
HENRY, Wallace Cpl 16th-5th 28.01.01 SAPOTILLAL
HOOKS, Lee H. Pvt 16th-5th 28.01.01 SAPOTILLAL
HUSKA, Paul PFC 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
HUTCHCROFT, Harry D. Sgt NNGD 32.05.17 nr Puerto Cabezas
HUTCHERSON, Mack Pvt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
INGLES, Ben E. Pvt 8th-5th 28.01.23 NR CHIPOTE
ISHAM, Charles H. Sgt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
JACKSON, Frank A. Pvt 43rd-5th 30.12.31 nr Achuapa
KESSLER, Arthur W. Sgt NNGD 31.03.08 nr Camoapa
LEACH, Anthony J. Cpl 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
LEE, William A. Gy Sgt NNGD 32.09.26 nr Agua Carta
LITTLE, Jason Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
McDONALD, Donald Gy Sgt NNGD 28.01.21 nr San Albino
McFAUL, James V. Pvt MD, USS Denver 29.03.17 nr Pavona
MAYNARD, Linton C. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
MOSIER, Melvin Sgt MD, USS Denver 28.08.07 nr Wamblan
NATION, Henry O. Pvt HH-3rd-5th 28.01.20 NR SAN GERONIMO
NEEL, John L. Cpl NNGD 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
NEWBERGER, Albert H. Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
PAINE, Thomas E. Drummer MD, USS Denver 28.08.07 nr Wamblan
PHELPS, Clarence E. Pvt 57th-11th 28.02.27 NR CONDEGA
POMORSKI, Edward L. Pvt 16th-5th 28.01.01 nr Guanacastillo
RAUSCH, Anthony J. Cpl MD, USS Florida 27.05.16 LA PAZ CENTRO
ROOS, Otto N. Sgt HH-3rd-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
ROSS, Everett C. Sgt NNGD 31.06.09 Las Cruces
ROWE, Edward F. Sgt 57th-11th 28.03.25 Condega
SCHONEBERGER, Russell Sgt MD, USS Denver 28.08.07 Wamblan
SIMON, William F. Jr. PFC MD USS Arkasas 27.05.16 LA PAZ CENTRO
SMITH, Glenn Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
SMITH, Leonard J. Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
STEWART, Carey V. Cpl 14th-11th 28.10.13 San Albino
TURNER, Charles E. Pvt 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
UR, Dazider E. Pvt 43rd-5th 30.09.29 nr Condega
VILLEGAS, Ernest D. Sgt NNGD 29.08.31 nr Jicaro
WALKER, Edgar B. PFC 8th-5th 27.12.30 NR QUILALI
" C A U S E S " T A B L E S
DISEASES:- Officers Enlisted Totals
Malaria 1 3 4
Pneumonia 0 3 3
Typhoid and para-typhoid 0 3 3
Appendicitis 0 2 2
Dysentery 0 2 2
Myocarditis 0 2 2
Cerebral hemorrhage 0 1 1
Cerebrospinal fever 0 1 1
Cerebrospinal meningitis 0 1 1
Dementia paralytica 0 1 1
Intestinal obstruction 0 1 1
Peritonitis 0 1 1
Pleurisy 0 1 1
Septicemia 0 1 1
TOTALS 1 23 24
ACCIDENTAL DEATHS:- Officers Enlisted Totals
Drowned 1 15 16
Plane crashes 6 8 14
Accidental gunshot wounds 0 7 7
Crushed, during earthquake 1 0 1
Grenade explosion 0 1 1
Fall from horse 0 1 1
Fall in shower bath 0 1 1
TOTALS 8 33 41
DIED, OTHER CAUSES:- Officers Enlisted Totals
Homicide 3 8 11
Suicide 2 10 12
Shot resisting arrest 0 1 1
TOTALS 5 19 24 col mikel
COL Mikel J. Burroughs @ ltc stephen
LTC Stephen C. @ ltc stephen
LTC Stephen F. @ ltc frank
LTC (Join to see) @ ltc john
LTC John Mohor @ maj william Maj William W. "Bill" Price @ maj ivan
LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. @ capt tom
Capt Tom Brown @ capt marty
Maj Marty Hogan @ smsgt doc SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas @ tsgt joe
TSgt Joe C. @ ssgt larry
SSgt (Join to see) @ sra christopher SrA Christopher Wright @ msg andrew
MSG Andrew White @ ssg pete
SSG Pete Fleming @ sgt david
SGT (Join to see) @ sgt david
Sgt David G Duchesneau @ sgt david
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth @ sp5 mark
SP5 Mark Kuzinski SCPO Morris Ramsey