Posted on Apr 5, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
It's no secret, many American gun owners are feeling pressure from the government (local, state, and federal) when it comes to the laws associated with gun ownership and the right to carry openly or concealed.

In a discussion I recently read, someone mentioned that the next war will be against gun-owning American citizens. It was a powerful statement, and one that I'm not sure I can disagree with.

What are your thoughts, everyone? Do you feel this claim has merit? Or do you feel it is more paranoia?
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Responses: 73
COL Charles Williams
No, I do not think the government is coming for our guns. I think this is merely hype in the media, and gun and ammo makers.
SPC Kevin Schober
SPC Kevin Schober
>1 y
You may want to follow closely what new York state is doing to gun owners. There newest proposal is aimed at making it almost impossible for gun owners by going after ammo. They propose that a legal gun owner could only purchase ammo every 90 days based on 2X what the gun carries. They already have limitations on max magazine capacity. So say you own a revolver ( to make this easy ) you would only be allowed to purchase 12 rounds every 90 days . How are you suppose to stay in practice at the range ? I am lucky enough to have left NYS and now live in Florida so this is not an issue for me. Some of my friends still in NY feel the proposal will be shot down again in legislation but sooner or later they will push it through. I am curious how this will affect people that reload their own ammo though. The media definitely slants the issues and attempts to get everyone all upset to sell the news but there is some fact in this and NY is the perfect example. That is the state where there may be a boiling point sooner or later.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
SPC Kevin Schober - Another blue state already has made it easier for LE to impound firearms based upon the word of a family member:
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Hurricane Katrina: National Guardsmen went door-to-door confiscating guns without giving receipts. One owner lost a massive collection of antique firearms worth quite a bit and no recourse.

Veterans in VA care are being reported as unfit to own guns and some are being confiscated. The President's recent Executive Orders confirm this process.

The President's recent Executive Orders also call for Social Security beneficiaries who are receiving monthly payments through a trustee to be "reported". They will be assumed unfit to own guns.

As CPO Andy Carrillo, MS mentioned, California has enacted a law effective on the first of this year that will allow guns to be confiscated on petition of family members who fear someone "may be" a danger to themselves or others. (I guess knives and cudgels will be exempt inasmuch as they will remain peacefully in their accustomed places)

President Obama and Candidate Clinton have made frequent mention of their desire to disarm We the People.

I can well imagine citizens of Russia, China, Germany, Turkey, and the other nations where guns were confiscated as a prelude to mass exterminations saying much the same thing you are saying. I'm sure that they also said that such a thing could never happen there as we are saying it couldn't happen here.

I hope you are correct, but...
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Swatting (illegally calling 911 to report a false "felony-in-progress" requiring SWAT response on an innocent victim) may take on a whole new 'flavor' in CA. We shall see...
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SGT William Howell
I am in a unique situation because I work for a gun manufacture and we supply barrels for military and civilians including large OEMs. I see things different than some people.

Is the current president a uber liberal that thinks guns are evil. You bet! Is he going to take your guns away...Nope! Oh he wants to, but even he can't go around the Constitution on this one. Obama is controversial and he has divided this country on so many levels, but we are still Americans and that bond is going to be hard to break.

If you look back there were many other presidents that were hated or loved too. FDR, Kennedy, and Carter all were very controversial and Americans took sides with them. Obama will be no different.

Our forefathers had enough foresight to see that there may be someone that would want to become king. That is exactly why the 2nd amendment is there and exactly why we will never have a king.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
9 y
In order to win a war you must occupy the territory. The last 3 wars we were in were gorilla and we eventually gave up on all of them because the cost were too high. You don't need heavy weapons you have to have heart and fortitude to outlast the other guy.
SPC Joseph Fisher
SPC Joseph Fisher
9 y
The 2nd amendment is as relevant today as it was in the beginning. And the govt will only have heavy weapons if our military turns on the American Citizen. I doubt that will ever happen but if it does which side will you be on? I will stand by all my brother and sisters who who raised their hand to defend the Constitution of the United States of America....
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
9 y
You know if you don't like the way NY runs itself there are other states that will gladly take you in. Here in Ohio you can have guns and it it not an issue if they are black or have a magazine.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
SGT Richard Blue - Which is when you trust that our military leaders will not obey unlawful orders and side with the people against the gov't IF/WHEN the Fed Gov't is no longer representing the people that elected it and begins pursuing its own agenda. That's what restored Democracy in Egypt.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Youve been played suckers politics 1365034593
Add a few years...
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
MSG Brad Sand, I believe that the CEOs of firearms companies and their respective stockholders are actually going to shed a few tears once President Obama leaves the stage; he has been a source of staggering sales!
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
9 y
Of course the President hasn't been conspiring with gun companies. That's not at all what was suggested. Only that fear mongers make up stories at the behest of those manufacturers using the president as their evil villain, aka Fox News..
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
9 y
SFC Michael Hasbun

The media fear mongering? Tell me it isn't so? Like trying to blame criminal actions by Godless people on the tools they chose? Creating false and misleading stories about law enforcement or whites attacking people of color? MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC

I am actually kind of glad that the people who attempt to limit our Constitutional rights end up having an opposite result than what they intended.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
9 y
Because you suddenly live in a dystopian nightmare where everyone's guns have been taken away, reptilians control our lives, and the illuminati burned the constitution? Nonsense..
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Do you think the next war on American soil is going to be against "free" gun owners?
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
I pray to God not. I'd hate to be the commander ordered to open fire on civilians, armed or not. In that scenario it would most likely be a National Guard unit called up to protect the citizenry from an armed and organized insurrection.

Though everyday, I look at what is happening in the world and think how long til that happens on our shores? We've suffered from both domestic and foreign terrorism violent protestors, but not an armed insurrection. (Though Ferguson I thought was going to come close) Nobody would want that type of action on their conscience.
MSG Floyd Williams
MSG Floyd Williams
9 y
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca...It is getting crazier everyday, there is a lot of disgruntle and disloyal people all over.
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
No one is foolish enough to think they can engage the military. Think June 26th Battalion, Viet Minh, Viet Cong, Shining Path, Sandinistas, Irgun Zvi Leumi, The IRA and many others. They were all successful.
MAJ Matthew Arnold
MAJ Matthew Arnold
>1 y
Remember Kent State? National Guard soldiers fired on students. It has happened before. We need to be careful and avoid such situations. Human nature does not always respond in a logical way.
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CPT Ahmed Faried
Edited 9 y ago
I voted 'nonsense'. Gun companies have seen record profits. Something to be said about perennially ginning up fears of a soon to come but never quite coming takeover of guns. If I was in the gun sales business I'd want to constantly drum up that fear as well. On a related note President Obama has been a useful tool for that bit of marketing genius.

to wit:
CW3 Guy Snodgrass
CW3 Guy Snodgrass
9 y
I'm not saying one way or the other. I know we "train as we fight". Something to think about.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
9 y
True, but special ops mission isn't always to fight. Sometimes it's to operate undetected amongst a population. I'm thinking that if we were training for Martial Law, this training would be conducted with line units operating in the streets rather than Special Operations.
SPC Randall Eichelberger
SPC Randall Eichelberger
>1 y
CW3 Guy Snodgrass - So where is this martial law now?
CW3 Guy Snodgrass
CW3 Guy Snodgrass
>1 y
Folks, I'm not saying one way or the other. All I'm saying is it is something to think about. I saw a map the other day that showed the land the Federal government is supposed to "own". Which I'm told is not authorized by the Constitution. If that map is correct, it is a pretty sizable chunk of real estate.
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PO3 Purchasing Manager
I have no opinion. Hell I don't even have any guns...that you know about. Big Brother is watching. Loose lips sink ships and so forth.

I can say that I sure hope that never happens. Somebody posted earlier that they were expecting it and ready for it. Somebody else replied how traitorous that sounded...yet our forefathers were Brits who fired on British soldiers when the chips were on the table. "Give me Liberty or give me Death!" wasn't fiction. Anyway, I hope it never happens.
PO3 Purchasing Manager
PO3 (Join to see)
9 y
My comment and your reply to mine differ only in the word count. In case it wasn't obvious I don't disagree with you GySgt. Except in the hope that it never happens.
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
9 y
They would have a hard time locating most anyway. If people are smart about it.
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Capt Richard I P.
Edited 9 y ago
Over time the human condition is more typified by war than peace. Geographic and temporal disruptions to this do occur, and have been occurring in CONUS for quite some time.

There are 90 firearms for ever 100 people in the US. We are more widely armed as a people with more potential for lethality than any other in history. A more equitable distribution of force decreases the likelihood of a breakout of war, and reduces the casualty count (probably). However, it does make it likely that the 'next war on American soil is going to be against "free" gun owners' whether it is waged by a foreign military power, a coercive domestic government, extraterrestrial invaders, strong AI controlling drones and TalonBots or factional disputants following a massive breakdown of social order.

All of the wars fought on US soil have involved "free gun owners" (troops other than only regulars) so odds are it will follow that trend.

(quote questionably sourced, but witty and apt).
SrA Chris Livingston
SrA Chris Livingston
>1 y
POTUS arming every federal agency that he can, most who have no need for armed agents. DHS/FEMA recruiting the "youth army" of his loyalists singing praise to him. The thug army drawn from the streets, didn't we fight a guy like that in Europe? Never forget his desire of a Civ Nat Sec Force, equal or greater than the service and w/o the restrictions of the UCMJ?
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CPT Retired
Too many vets and civilians with guns for this to happen any time soon. Many LEO's don't want to take guns from law abiding citizens either. The way things are going it's more likely that there would be a war based on race and socioeconomic reasons first.
SrA Chris Livingston
SrA Chris Livingston
>1 y
Anyone remember that officer that surveyed young combat troops about confiscating arms or killing citizens on orders from their officers? He was at 29 Palms working on his masters, it was a question that showed how little our young troops learned in school of our true history and our culture vs. blind obedience of an unconstitutional order. Most said they would if ordered.
PO2 Jeffery Marcussen  Sr
PO2 Jeffery Marcussen Sr
>1 y
and those that obey that unlawful order will pay for it when the dust settles.ignorance is not bless and it will be a terrible price they will pay for it if they do.i hope it does not happen but i prepare for it in case it does and may god forgive us all if it ever does happen.
what scares me most is another katrina episode where illegal confiscation does happen again. and the fact that it did happen during Katrina worries the daylights out of me. disarming of law abiding citizens fell pray to armed thugs. and the fact that the sheriff's office took forever getting weapons back to their rightful owners. and the fact that a lot of weapons have still not been returned or wound up missing.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
SrA Chris Livingston - I had some one in the Guard and that question was asked. One young guard member went up to his officer, laye d his gun on the ground and told the officer not no but Hell No. I think he spend a little time. Is the. Brig.
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MAJ Bryan Zeski
I own guns. No one has made any move to take my guns and I don't feel threatened that it will happen in the future.
PO2 Jeffery Marcussen  Sr
PO2 Jeffery Marcussen Sr
>1 y
Major why did the dhs buy more then a billion rounds and why does fema have it's own policing force ? does that not bother you? do you not find it strange that a civilian agency that has up until recently had no police power? a billion rounds is more then we used in afghan iraq and iran put together and is more then enough to kill every us citizen several times over. why do they need so much ammo i do not buy the training exercises excuse. something is up and i don't even want to ponder what and why of it. it scares the daylights out of me. was it just a way to make ammo sales go up? or a way to limit gun ammo to the civilian populace? sad fact is it also made it hard on leo forces for awhile as well as making a shortage for the military for awhile as well. those facts do worry me and i surely wish i knew the answer to it. all in all i hope it is not a sign of some future event i do not want to see happen. i do not nor want a civil war again in this country. but worry that it may come to that at the same time. only time will tell and i pray it does not happen in the time of anyone here.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
Do I think that FEMA and DHS are going to come after my guns? No. Why did they buy so many rounds? Hmm, I don't know. But, I suppose one theory is that someone at the high-end of DHS and FEMA have close economic ties with bullet manufacturers and are artificially reducing the temporary availability of bullets in order to drive up prices and scare the "people" into buying every round as it becomes available. It's a win-win for them. Eventually, those rounds will be old and will be sold as surplus by FEMA and DHS. I find that level of military/government/industrial complex to be not strange at all.

I've never heard of any law enforcement agencies or military units running low on ammunition. Sources?
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MAJ Field Artillery Officer
I strongly feel that talk of FEMA concentration camps, martial law, and basically anything Alex Jones warns about is total BS. What's more realistic would be a natural disaster, terrorist attack or economic collapse where those who are unprepared would try to take from those who are.
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
9 y
MAJ (Join to see)

There was a movie in the late 90s called the Second Civil War. I think of it when I see these kind of discussions. It is hard to find but is worth finding at watching. A small argument between a state and the Federal government, with the media trying to keep the story going keeps growing...the story is supposed to be a dark comedy, that hit to close to reality.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see), indeed, given that we have a supervolcano nearly smack dab in the heart of America. If this puppy were to blow we would have much more about which to worry. It would be a natural reset.
SrA Chris Livingston
SrA Chris Livingston
>1 y
Natural or Man Made, he could take advantage.
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