Posted on Dec 24, 2014
MSG John Wirts
Gunshop owner disrespects the military in a Facebook post. Is astonished by backlash, even death threats against him and his family!
Posted in these groups: 2nd amendment logo 2nd Amendment
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Responses: 27
MSgt Electrical Power Production
Threats against ones family are never okay in my book don't care who or what you stand for.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
Boycotting the business is allowed and even encouraged, threatening physical confrontation or death to the owner or his family are not to be ignored, they deserve to be charged tried and sentenced for whatever crime(s) they commit.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
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Amen John! I hate bullies and. Merry Christmas!
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
Totally insane. There's so much to this that I don't know where to begin.

First, he has the right to express his disdain towards whatever it is he disagrees with. He also has to look at himself as to whether what and how he expresses himself is accurate and/or responsible, as well as how it may come back to affect him.

Second, regardless of his personal beliefs or what he said, in absolutely NO WAY is it okay to issue threats of violence to him or anyone in his family. This is just plain and flat out wrong.

Third, the best way to counter such ridiculous assertions is by peacefully spreading the word and boycotting his store. If others wish to follow suit then that is THEIR choice. If others wish to still patronize the man's store then that too is also THEIR choice. Allow others to learn and make their own choices. Hold them accountable as befitting their previous actions but do so in a civil, peaceful and adult manner.

A follow on to my third point, I personally don't care for many businesses or organizations. The majority of them I refuse to patronize because of their poor business practices or mostly because of their very poor attitudes towards society. While I would hope others would also not patronize them, I will not force my beliefs on others yet allow them to make their own decision.

Cpl Brett Wagner, SSG Daniel Deiler, SPC Danny Eldridge, SGT Richard H., SPC Charles Brown, 1SG David Niles, Cpl Dennis F., SSG P, B, PO1 (Join to see), SFC Gary Fox, LTC (Join to see), LCpl Steve Wininger, SSG (Join to see), SGT (Join to see), PO2 Ed C., SSG Gerhard S., SSG Jason Neumann, Capt Jeff S., Cpl (Join to see), SGT Jonathan Willard, SFC (Join to see), SFC (Join to see), SSG John Bacon, SPC Jeff Daley, PhD, MSgt Keith Hebert, CPT (Join to see), SSG Justin McCoy, SGT Jinger Jarrett, TSgt Tifani McCauley, SGT (Join to see), MSG Brad Sand, SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL, Cpl David Schaffer, SFC (Join to see), SGT Rick Nyberg, MAJ (Join to see), 1LT Scott Doyle, CW5 Sam R. Baker, 1SG Michael Blount, Sgt John H., SSG John Erny, SSG (Join to see), LTC Paul Labrador, MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca, CW5 (Join to see), CPT Jacob Swartout, 1LT John Martin, SGT Tony Saucier, SPC Chris Lanaman, SSG (Join to see), SGM (Join to see), SSG Selwyn Bodley, SSG Laureano Pabon, SSG Trevor S., LTC (Join to see), SSG Joaquin Goicoechea, Col (Join to see), SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA, 1LT Shawn McCarthy, SSG Jim Handy, SSG Stephen Arnold.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
Andres Redondo - I am not sure if I believe this story. I mean how could anyone that stupid finish high school let alone own a business?

Seriously why would someone with that kind of attitude own a gun shop? He thinks lawyers and anyone in the ACLU are heroes? I would love to see the ACLU put him out of business for one of their nutty causes. Honestly I do not know how this idiot can even write letters and use a computer. I googled this genius and I see he is having his wife run his business now. Further proof that he is a few rounds short of a full magazine is that he named his business "Outlaw Guns". No it seems he might be "Out of Business" DOH!

What an incredible dumb ass.

Cpl Dennis Fresch, PO1 Jacob Dronzin, CPT Brian Maurelli, Capt Jeff Schwager, Cpl Ivan Hicks, MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca,
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
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Cpl (Join to see), well said. Him and others are essentially biting the hands that protect them. Ridiculous.

PO1 (Join to see), SGT (Join to see), SGT Rick Nyberg, and TSgt Tifani McCauley, sadly a lot of people think they are immune to the repercussions of their own actions/inactions. Unfortunately, this stems from the pervasive me/me/me mentality of victimhood. The worst part about it though is the majority of the remaining citizens who refuse to stand up to junk like this, which only ends up enabling and thus encouraging others to do the same.

TSgt Tifani McCauley, those who say crap like that regarding the military and comparing it to socialism are the ones who are emotionally compromised and are only capable of demeaning others in order to elevate themselves.
SGT Team Leader
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"Outlaw Gun Repair and Hydrographing". lol
Well, sweet potato pie and shut yer mouth, Schuette. This dumbass appears to be from my home state. Probably an Auburn fan.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
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SSG Joaquin Goicoechea, ROFLMAO!!! That's awesome. "Bermuda Triangle has completed its relocation..."
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SPC David S.
It's funny how he bad mouths the system yet quickly tries to back peddle out of it as he sees the dollars suddenly stop rolling in. What an idiot.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
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Agreed he is an idiot!
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
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He definitely tried to back peddle out of it. Poor man even gave the business up altogether, as a show of his regret.
To his wife.
Because he thinks most people are special snowflakes. I can color within in the lines at least half of the time, so there!
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Gunshop owner disrespects military ... your thoughts?
MAJ Medical Operations Officer
What an idiot. Especially in Anniston, Alabama with Fort McClellan next door. He must have lost a past girlfriend to a soldier. The death threats are overboard, but hopefully everyone will boycott his business and go to someone that is pro-military.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
Or at least not anti-military! I don't say anyone has to like me but they must at least respect me and my views, just as I will disagree with some but still respect their right to hold their own views. The difference between a bigot, and a patriot. If a patriot does not believe in God, he/she does not go to church, If a bigot does not believe in God, he/she also does not go to church, BUT demands that going to church, professing a belief in God, wearing christian jewelry, holing bible studies, or praying in public be made a criminal offense, of course the above does not apply to atheists, or Muslims
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Death threats are wrong.

Now that that is out of the way, this guy is a moron. Let's just say that he in fact holds convictions that veterans are not heroes, that they are puppets of corporate masters, etc. You own a GUN STORE. What genius alienates a high percentage of his clientele?
No amount of damage control will placate anyone who saw this rant.
All because he wanted to look cool to his eight hipster friends who "liked" his comment.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
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Snorts. "Eight hipster friends". ROFLMAO!!!
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SFC(P) Police Officer
This guy is a total nut. I was a police officer there for several years. I had several run-ins with him. This is not his first outburst on Facebook and he has no problem threatening others either. He actually post a threat towards me on Facebook a year ago on how I was a pig with a badge and if I came in his neighborhood again he would make sure I didn't leave. I have no sympathy for this lowlife.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
I don't either, but threats against his family is over the top, death threats are uncalled for. If he and all his family are involved boycott the business and shun the entire family.
SSG (ret) William Martin
SSG (ret) William Martin
>1 y
SSG (P) Shaun Traylor, Did you screen print that FB post of the crazy gun show owner? I would have posted that all over the internet.
SFC(P) Police Officer
SFC(P) (Join to see)
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I did back when it happened a few months back.
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CW5 Desk Officer
The gun shop owner sounds like a nut, but the folks who threatened him and his family with violence are equally nutty. Wrong on several levels.
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SFC Gary Fox
If he owned a gun store in my community, he surely would not get my business and I would let all my friends know about it as well.

There's a book called "How to Sell Anyone Anything" by Joe Gerard. He says on average everyone knows 250 people. When someone gets a bad deal from a business, they generally tell everyone they know. In turn most of those he tells will tell others they know. This can cause a small business to suffer very quickly.

Gerard wrote this long before the internet and social media. When somebody posts on the internet how they got a bad deal from a business, his message hits more than 250 people. First the gun store owner was a fool for making his personal opinion about veterans public. Second, he was a bigger fool for doing it on social media. He almost immediately began to feel the backlash to him and his business; so much so he comes out to publicly apologize.

I don't condone anyone making death threats against this guy as I find that to be extreme and uncalled for. I do favor boycotting businesses owned by people like him though.
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CPT Jacob Swartout
When someone like him makes statements of that nature, what else would he expect from the public? He can't exactly hide since he owns a business and people know where to find him at work. I don't wish any harm on his family but, most people would think twice before they mention something controversial on social media. Good way for him to possibly shut down his business for good with statements against vets. Those "Heroes" he mentioned in his post have family or friends in the military too. He won't get too many new customers again. He will likely loose many customers from posting those ignorant remarks.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
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Serves him right for his unthinking rant, too bad for the family unless they knew aout and supported this action.
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PO1 Master-at-Arms
And it's the people like that along with their right to free speech that we serve and protect. I do give him credit for recognizing local government officials, but dissing on veterans in such extremist fashion is uncalled for.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
Yet WE THE Veterans can allow him the freedom to express himself, and express our displeasure lawfully by not patronizing his business. It is not moral or lawful to threaten violence to him or his family. So we can serve and protect his right to express his OPINION, but we don't have to support that opinion!
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