Posted on Oct 14, 2015
MAJ Ken Landgren
If one gets both, will Social Security count the VA Disability as income for SSDI income limits? I am confused.
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Responses: 15
SFC Mark Merino
There is also the question of 100% VA disabled P & T (Permanent & Total) vs. someone like me who is 100% service connected but still considered Temporary. I keep getting letters stating that although I am 100% I am ineligible for certain programs since I am not P &T yet. It's been years, I keep getting letters that I am not being reevaluated at this time, but I remain on their temporary list. It would be great if they would make up their mind. My daughter could then get Chapter 30 college bennies of $1,014 a month to go to school for 48 months. The waiting continues......
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
9 y
I believe the minimum retirement is 30%. Anything under 15 years is going to get you the payout of 2X current base pay x number of years (rounded up). *NOTE* This is from 2010 information and is subject to chronic old man CRS syndrome.
SGT Ivory Brown
SGT Ivory Brown
9 y
I get both. I will say they are to totally different animals. I know that social security doesn't care what va says and va doesn't care what social security says. you could be 100 percent disabled through va and still be denied social security benefits.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
I'm not totally disabled, and I'm not sure. I'd suggest you call a Social Security Office or go in and talk to them. I *THINK* if you already have Social Security Disability, you can still get VA Disability benefits at any level, On the other hand, I do not think if you have VA Disability, you can THEN go to SS and ask for Disability, especially if, like me, a person is already retired..
In my case, I got regular Social Security when I turned 62 - the VA Disability came after that when I found out I was eligible.
I do have a friend who works at the SS Office (a Disabled Vet) so I'll ask him.
SFC Jerry Alexander
SFC Jerry Alexander
>1 y
I have Military retirement, VA at 100 and SSDI SSDI require a hearing with a lawyer
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SGT Ivory Brown
I get both. I got my va benefits before i got approved for social security. It wasn't a issue.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
9 y
SN Sn Collazo
SN Sn Collazo
5 y
How? Did you have to show proof to SS that you’re disabled with the VA Or is that something they’re able to look up? Asking because I’m currently P&T 100% disabled with the VA and I just applied for SSD. Don’t want to get denied by Social Security please help
SGT Ivory Brown
SGT Ivory Brown
5 y
SN Sn Collazo . Social security and Va although they are government programs don't use the same system nor do they share info. So I hope I am answering your question. You can be any percentage disabled through and still not be approved social security. They have there own criteria etc. Be prepared to be denied but don't quit I believe they just want you to go away. Finally if you do get denied and you strongly feel you should receive email or write to you senator. You will be surprised what will happen if you are right and they are wrong. Go online find your senator and so sites you can fill out the complaint on there. I got denied once, wrote my senator shortly he wrote back with a favoriteable update from social security
SN Sn Collazo
SN Sn Collazo
5 y
Thank you , yes my question was answered and thank you as well for the advice.SGT Ivory Brown
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
Edited 9 y ago
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
9 y
TSgt Ralph Siemer - Thanks for that email address. Whoops, I Googled her name and she resigned on Monday.
But I got Danny Pummill's name, he's the Undersecretary. This is why I love RP, Brothers like you.
TSgt Ralph Siemer
TSgt Ralph Siemer
9 y
SGT Rick Ash - I guess I lucked out by contacting her when I did I literally had my case closed and back pay within 3 weeks of contacting her. She forwarded my concerns to the Seattle Regional Manager who put one of his best on my case. Very happy with the outcome.
PO1 Fly 2 Petty Officer/Supply Petty Officer
PO1 (Join to see)
9 y
how did you do that. I would like more information. I have been medically separated since 31 July. VA comp didn't start till Oct. I received zero back pay. I am 100% VA and was quickly, without regard to my actual injury, given only 20% from the DoD, just shy of medically retirement. Was injured and reinjured following three surgeries resulting in permenant nerve damage. 11 years in and an E-6. i would like my case looked at. The doc that started the med board made that decision on 20% based on knowing me for 15 minutes and not investigating any further issues. I was later diagnosed with other more severe issues during the med board process that resulted in 100% VA comp but DoD Dr had already made up his mind within 15 minutes. Resulting in a unfair 20% DoD comp without retirement. Please help me!!! [login to see]
TSgt Ralph Siemer
TSgt Ralph Siemer
>1 y
SGT Rick Ash - Rick, have you had any progress, did you make contact with the new Secretary?
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