Posted on Nov 28, 2015
CPT Jack Durish

We sure didn't have the wherewithal all to decorate our hooches like this in Vietnam, but one of the parents of one of my men owned an Italian restaurant in Indianapolis and they sent all the table decorations and stuff to make a helluva Christmas dinner. I and my driver stole a case of frozen steaks from the ration break down point at Long Binh and I horse traded at the mess hall for a lot of other "necessities". The young man who had grown up working in the family restaurant worked his buns off setting it all up and we had a very Merry Christmas despite missing friends and family at home. The leftovers (and they were ample) were donated to an orphanage at Ton Son Nhut. We also stuffed stockings for the orphans with everything we could find as well as small gifts our families sent from home. It became a contest to see who could make the biggest stocking. Have you ever stuffed an Army issue wool sock? They expanded so large that most were taller than the kids. That was Christmas 1967. The Tet Offensive began less than two months later...
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Responses: 176
CAPT Kevin B.
Edited >1 y ago
South Pole. We had a diesel carving contest. Our tree was made of cans, candy wrappers, and licorice. Dinner was ham and turkey with all the fixings. Since the sun was up 24/7, everyone noticed they missed the night time "eve" part of it.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Pretty Cool Skipper!
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Not many can claim your experience
A1C Alexa Cosson
A1C Alexa Cosson
>1 y
What a fun memory! Thanks for sharing, Sir!!
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Capt Seid Waddell
On Christmas Eve 1970 I was on duty at Monkey Mountain, RVN (Panama Control) when a deep voice boomed out over Guard frequency - "This is God on Guard - Happy Birthday Son"
And just as quick a smaller voice piped up on Guard - "Thanks Pop!”

I was chuckling over that the rest of the night.

My folks sent me a decorated tree for my room and a bunch of gifts to go under it.

The chow hall had a spectacular feed and I stuffed my cargo pant pockets with apples and oranges for Mama-San's kids - these were almost unheard-of for the Vietnamese at the time.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish, I find it interesting that those that called us "baby killers" are the same ones that support abortion, which has caused the deaths of almost 58 million babies since we came back.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Capt Seid Waddell - "Interesting" is such an interesting word. I would say that as well as hypocritical
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish, Roger that!
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
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SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
My most memorable Christmas while being deployed was in Vietnam, December 1966, when LZ Bird was trying to be over run by the NVA. It was a major battle with the First Cav kicking ass. Two of my friends who worked at the POL were captured, never to be heard of again. We lifted off right after the attack began. There were many NVA but they weren't good enough to defeat us. Read the attached link:
SSG Eddye Royal
SSG Eddye Royal
>1 y
These are pictures I took from 210th BDE back in Germany, at HEZO Base, I also add the Christmas we as leaders put out for the troops under 20 yrs old.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Eddie, those are great Christmas pictures.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Camp Estelle, Afghanistan 2013. The 838th AEAG Spartans and our Italian Air Force Friends gathered together on Christmas Night, to a bonfire. I had a content look on my face that night as my own year long deployment was coming to an end. While I missed my wife and kids terribly, I couldn't ignore one of the few moments of true camaraderie we get to experience in the military today. That night and that deployment for that matter are experiences I will never forget.
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CPO Emmett (Bud) Carpenter
Christmas Day 1971. We were A few miles off Da Nang waiting for Bob Hope to come aboard. The fog was so bad he couldn't make. Instead of a Bob Hope show on Christmas Day we moved out of the fog and flew missions into Laos. What a merry Christmas that was
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
You didn't miss much. It seems that the shows were mostly staged for TV consumption in the states
CW2 Greg Martin
CW2 Greg Martin
>1 y
I agree, Long Binh 1969, they placed the four camera towers about five rows just behind the "patients" from the hospital. They had big banners on them that blocked the stage. All hell broke loose with all loose objects being trown at the stage and the people in the towers. From backstage they announced that the show would be canceled if thi did no cease. The crowd responded with more projectiles and chants to take the towers down. The two towers in the middle were taken down and all the Bob Hope Show banners were removed. Never watched Bob Hope again.
MSgt Bill Ballard
MSgt Bill Ballard
>1 y
CW2 Greg Martin - The exact same thing happened at Cam Ranh Bay in '68. Of the 6,000 troops at South Beach for the evening show, only the 200 hospital patients saw the whole show. They told us to stop firing flash bulbs because it ruined the TV film.... after that, the flash bulbs were so plentiful that flares were not as bright. Bob Hope may have been a good entertainer, but he was there for the 90 minutes of film and probably got millions for it back home. I never watched his show again except for the live TV showing on AFN from Long Binh in '69.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
The Bob Hope show in DaNang, Dec. '70 was great. The crowd was large and there were even choppers in the "balcony".
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SGT Patrick Reno
Berlin 1984. We got drunk and snuck over to the Battalion Comanders head quarters. He had just had it landscaped that fall. We cut down one of his pine trees with an e-tool. Took it back to our room and decorated it. It's said he is still looking for us.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
I won't tell but the jig may be up. There's a lot of service people on this site.
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SFC Michael W.
Mine was Desert Storm...we had already deployed from Germany to Saudi Arabia around 12/09/90 for Desert Shield. My 2 other brothers and I were sent to different locations in Saudi Arabia prepping for combat and this was the first combat operation which we would serve together.

It was scary as hell because we had no way of contacting each other, even though I had Global DSN and could call anywhere. I spent my Christmas eating the REAL ARMY MREs and T-Rations before we were able to go to KKMC on a log run which we put money together and bought several whole chicken which we grilled out in the hot desert.

I remember it well because as soon as the chicken were ready to eat, we were HIT by one of Saudi's dust storm which covered EVERYTHING in dust!!!

Some Merry Christmas that was! LOL
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Sgt Ken Crouse
I went straight from Vietnam to my next duty assignment. Do not pass-go / do not collect $200. I served in Vietnam as a member of the Marine Security Guard detachment at the American Embassy in Saigon at the time of its evacuation in 1975. Evac'd, float to Manila and here are your orders: American Consulate in Asmara, Ethiopia where I would receive hazardous duty pay for my entire time there (civil war had just broken out and we were literally stuck in the middle between two adversaries, neither of which liked us / but that's all another story). How does this relate to Christmas? I received orders in mid-December that transferred me to the embassy in Brussels, Belgium and did so on Christmas Eve. I was very thankful for Christmas 1975 - alone, brand new arrival but didn't have to worry about incoming or any of the "to whom it may concerns" that were common in northern Ethiopia and Vietnam earlier that year. Still remember dinner that Christmas: hot dogs on toasted raisin bread, the only thing in the Marine House kitchen. But at least it was peaceful.
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CW4 Harris Smith
In December of 1969 I was at Phu Bai, in the former Republic of Viet Nam. I was the new guy (fng) and while not being satisfied with being low man on the totem pole, I had incurred the wrath of my 1st Sergeant by getting drunk and fighting. So while my comrades enjoyed the Bob Hope show at Camp Eagle, I listened to the show on AFVN radio on a tiny transistor radio while I pulled a 12 hour day guard shift in a bunker on the perimeter, pouring down monsoon rain and a lovely Christmas dinner of cold C ration turkey. I was a miserable little pup but I learned my lesson.
CPO Kenneth Kalish
CPO Kenneth Kalish
4 y
I worked at AFVN in my tour extension after getting hurt in the Delta. We were proud to be there 24/7/365. The VC set off a huge bomb in front of the studio in May of '68 that destroyed the building next to our studios and did quite a bit of damage to our facility. We were targeted with rockets several times, but the closest any of them got to us was the soccer stadium across the road. When the holidays rolled around, we all worked our usual shifts, trying to keep things "normal" for our listeners. Glad to hear we helped a bit during your miserable soggy Christmas.
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SSG Strick Richardo
Capturing Saddam Hussein during the month of December, Christmas week back in 2003. And receiving care packages during the holidays while in Tikrit Iraq.
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