Responses: 2
Great video, but fast is a relative term. This Air Force guy certainly had a tough time dealing with the "speed" that Navy ships operated at. It takes a while to comprehend 20 kts vs 450 kts! :-))
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen You'll Always have My Sympathy, Having to Deal with Sea Service Spooks like "Gunny Stiogner" and "CTO1, Chip, KC" We're Not Great "Company" We can be "Cold" and Aloof! Nature of the Game, We Will always be Honest, Coldly Honest Sometimes! Nature of Our Game, Nature of Our Heritage!
Those were nice patriotic, pictures and video
Not like the book I’m reading, which tells a different story
Not like the book I’m reading, which tells a different story
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SFC Jo Ann Klawitter "Patriot" an Interesting Word! William Dawes My Great Great Great Grandfather! I'm Pretty Sure the British Government would Call Him a Traitor! A Scottish Thug, Highwayman! Only in the US would He be Considered a "Patriot". Perspective is Always Important!
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