The Peasants' Revolt started in Essex on 30 May 1381, when a tax collector tried, for the third time in four years, to levy a Poll Tax. The war against France was going badly, the government's reputation was damaged, and the tax was 'the last straw'.
The peasants were not just protesting against the government. Since the Black Death, poor people had become increasingly angry that they were still serfs. They were demanding that all men should be free and equal, for less harsh laws, and a fairer distribution of wealth.
Soon both Essex and Kent were in revolt. The rebels coordinated their tactics by letter. They marched on London, where they destroyed the houses of government ministers. They also had a clear set of political demands.
On 15 June, the 14-year-old king, Richard II, met the rebels' leader Wat Tyler. William Walworth, the Lord Mayor of London, attacked and killed Tyler. Before the rebel army could retaliate, Richard stepped forward and promised to abolish serfdom. The peasants went home, but later government troops toured the villages hanging men who had taken part in the Revolt.
Although the Revolt was defeated, its demands – less harsh laws, money for the poor, freedom and equality – all became part of our democracy in the long term.
The Peasants' Revolt was a popular uprising. In its demands for rights and equality, it was similar to the Chartists of the 19th century and the Suffragettes of the 20th century – except that, remarkably, the Peasants' Revolt happened six centuries earlier! You may also wish to compare the Peasants' Revolt to the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536 - 1537 covered in Protest through time. Although the two events were similar in some ways, the Pilgrimage of Grace was basically inspired by religion. By contrast, the Peasants' Revolt was a political rebellion. col mikel
COL Mikel J. Burroughs @ ltc stephen
LTC Stephen C. @ ltc stephen
LTC Stephen F. @ ltc john
LTC John Mohor @ maj william
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price @ capt marty
Maj Marty Hogan @ smsgt doc SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas @ tsgt joe
TSgt Joe C. @ sra christopher SrA Christopher Wright @ msg andrew
MSG Andrew White @ sfc joe
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL @ sgt david
SGT (Join to see) @ sgt david
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth @ sp5 robert
SP5 Robert Ruck @ sp5 mark
SP5 Mark Kuzinski SCPO Morris Ramsey @ po1 chip
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO2 Robert M. @ po3 tom
PO3 Tom Howard Alan K.