Posted on Apr 18, 2020
Trump vs. Democrats: The Fight To Open The Country | Ep. 880
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
Ok the jackass kisses the butt of the Orange Man. He is so enamored with the Trump's leadership, the same leadership that made the US #1 in COVID-19 cases. What does smartly going back to work mean? Celebrating Trump's record on the pandemic is like celebrating the worst NFL coach.
CPL Earl Kochis
A pandemic with a 97% recovery rate the flu has a higher mortality rate!! This isn’t a pandemic it’s an economic attack MAJ Ken Landgren
CPL Earl Kochis
Social programs?? You mean like welfare which was never meant for lazy people to live off or the distribution of wealth??? Or are we talking Social Security which was never an entitlement but Democrats want to call it that!!! Or maybe Section 8 housing which some people never get off of because they would actually have to work!!! Your real quick to question me but for someone college educated you should be able to figure out that a group in our government “not Trump” are on the mission of destroying the same country and Constitution your swore to protect!! Like the new gun bill they are using This virus as a smoke screen for so they can gut the Second Amendment!!! MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
Like taking food away from the hungry, taking funds from the poor, taking funds from schools in poor districts, and disabled. Do you care many kids are malnourished and go hungry? Let me tell you this. Trump is not jumping up and down to help those hungry kids. While he is on TV flattering himself, has he ever mentioned children going hungry? No he is too busy defending his campaign lies getting sued for misappropriating veterans charity funds, creating tariffs, subsidizing farmers, getting impeached, and finding a way to jack up this pandemic response. He has created 4 miserable years under his leadership as he flatters himself as a military, economic, social, medical, political genius. He wants to give more funds back to the corporations. Social security might be on the table next. Do you sense a trend? One more time, has he ever said I want to help the hungry children in America? Think about that when he makes a smug remark how great he is.
I am really quick to question you because your facts on the mortality of viruses and COVID-19 are wrong. Did you know in some people internal organs shut down?
Oh yeah I worry about folks trying to take over this country. Perhaps they fly black helicopters and imprison American's for UN work camps. I will be watching for those choppers.
I am really quick to question you because your facts on the mortality of viruses and COVID-19 are wrong. Did you know in some people internal organs shut down?
Oh yeah I worry about folks trying to take over this country. Perhaps they fly black helicopters and imprison American's for UN work camps. I will be watching for those choppers.
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