Posted on Oct 22, 2015
Have any of you Marines seen anyone drummed out of the Corps??
There was a time when a Marine found guilty of serious charges at his court martial would have to stand in front of his company and listen to his dishonorable discharge declaration be read by his 1st Sergeant who also would remove his stripes and hand them to him. Then he would be drummed out of the Corps as Marine Band Drummers would beat their drums.
I witnessed one of these moving ceremonies for a Marine who had gone AWOL. Then he received a Dishonorable Discharge and had his Corporal Stripes cut off his uniform by our Top...
I witnessed one of these moving ceremonies for a Marine who had gone AWOL. Then he received a Dishonorable Discharge and had his Corporal Stripes cut off his uniform by our Top...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 32
Drumming out is the historical act of being dishonorably dismissed from military service to the sound of a drum. It may refer to any act of expulsion or dismissal in disgrace
Should the U.S. military bring back the Drumming Out Ceremony for those who have disgraced their buddies, unit, service and country and have been court martialed and given a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge ?
Should the U.S. military bring back the Drumming Out Ceremony for those who have disgraced their buddies, unit, service and country and have been court martialed and given a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge ?
SSG Richard Reilly
I love the idea. Publicly annouce the person is a dirt bag. let others see what happens when you become a dirtbag. Motivate others from becoming dirtbags.
Capt Jeff S.
You would anger the PC police if you did that. According to them, it's okay for people to steal valor, burn flags, and parasite off society. Drumming out dirtbags might have a permanent scarring effect on the dirtbag's self-esteem. We should be more sensitive to their desperate cries for attention; heaven forbid we speak the truth and call dirtbags out for... well, being dirtbag losers.
CSM Charles Hayden
Have you ever seen an Dishonorably Discharged, ex-Soldier exit the ‘gate’ under armed Guard while wearing a brown suit and a baseball cap? That is a sight!!Sgt Tom Cunnally
SGT Philip Roncari SFC William Farrell LTC (Join to see)SGT (Join to see) LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL[~1734353:SP5 Jim
SGT Philip Roncari SFC William Farrell LTC (Join to see)SGT (Join to see) LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL[~1734353:SP5 Jim
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CSM Charles Hayden - Can't Say as I Have. Most Unique I've Done was Walking out a Youngster that Walked into a Admirals Mast as a CTA3 Walked Out as an Undesignated SA Seaman Apprentice, With No Need on a Technical Staff like COMSPAWARSYSCOM I Took Him over to Anacostia for Orders to the Next Carrier Needing an Undesignated Seaman to Chip Paint. One of the Treats of being Master at Arms to Chief of Staff.
Not the USMC, and not Drummed out, but equally humiliating for the dirtbag.
1987 - Chile Air Force Academy.
A 2nd year Cadet stole a calculator from another Cadet, was found and quickly tried and found guilty.
The entire Academy held formation in the Receiving yard, which is by the Main Gate. Box formation around the disgraced cadet and the Director of the Academy.
The Director reads the charges as well as the verdict, following this the entire formation recites the Code of Honor. Then each Class Cadet Major (6) take turns ripping the patches, badges, name tag, epaulets, academy insignia and finally his wings off his uniform.
Then the lowest ranking cadet took charge of the formation, ordered an about face and marched us off, leaving the disgraced cadet alone in the yard, steps away from the gate.
His family waiting to pick him up, their faces could not hide the shame.
1987 - Chile Air Force Academy.
A 2nd year Cadet stole a calculator from another Cadet, was found and quickly tried and found guilty.
The entire Academy held formation in the Receiving yard, which is by the Main Gate. Box formation around the disgraced cadet and the Director of the Academy.
The Director reads the charges as well as the verdict, following this the entire formation recites the Code of Honor. Then each Class Cadet Major (6) take turns ripping the patches, badges, name tag, epaulets, academy insignia and finally his wings off his uniform.
Then the lowest ranking cadet took charge of the formation, ordered an about face and marched us off, leaving the disgraced cadet alone in the yard, steps away from the gate.
His family waiting to pick him up, their faces could not hide the shame.
CSM Charles Hayden
SGT Hector Rojas, AIGA, SHA Great story. We must respect their ethic!. IMAGINE!!!!!
I witnessed a ceremony of sorts a long time ago when a Soldier was found guilty at a Court Martial and was transported from the Court Room to the Confinement Facility and before he was let in the building, his dress uniform was stripped off of him in front of everyone by the Confinement Facility personnel. Rank, ribbons, name tag, unit patch(s), just ripped off and thrown to the ground. But like someone else, that would not could really hurt someone's feelings that way (Bit of Sarcasm) by doing that. This where the disgraced need to be made an example of for others to see and take heed.
Half nickel of the day.
Half nickel of the day.
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