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Responses: 6
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Thanks for sharing.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
1 y
You are very welcome my friend and brother-in-Christ Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
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1LT Chaplain Candidate
Word of caution to those unfamiliar, though a talented speaker and intelligent professor, Dr. Peterson is not a confessing Christian and is not committed to Biblical values. His views are secular and he does not often travel or speak with circles of Christians who practice biblical faith.

An alternative from someone inside the faith may be Dr. Mohler's podcast, The Briefing.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
1 y
Okay my friend and brother-in-Christ PV2 Scott M. Yes indeed the Word of God calls for a man to be the head pastor, bishop, etc.
'As always, the Bible applies to every generation of believers and the Holy Spirit illuminates the Word to each person as HE matures us and opens our eyes to truth.

It is not wise to focus on male or female since in Christ we are each sons of God. It is ironic that the transgender movement is trying to blur the distinction :-(

We are each sons of God - neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. [Galatians 3:28 ESV]
1. Galatians 3:23-29 ESV 'Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.
Women prophetess's, disciples, spiritual leaders, and ministers
God deserves the glory at all times. HE uses whom HE wills to accomplish HIS Purposes.
New Testament
1. Anna the prophetess prophesied Luke 2:36-38 "There was also a prophetess named Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, who was well along in years. She had been married for seven years, and then was a widow to the age of eighty-four.f She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming forward at that moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the Child to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.
2. Disciple Tabitha [Dorcas] Acts 9:36-42 ESV 'Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which, translated, means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity. In those days she became ill and died, and when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. Since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, urging him, “Please come to us without delay.” So Peter rose and went with them. And when he arrived, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him weeping and showing tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them. But Peter put them all outside, and knelt down and prayed; and turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up. And he gave her his hand and raised her up. Then, calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive. And it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord."
Old Testament
1. Deborah led Israel as prophetess, judges Judges 4:
In the Old Testament shes light on Deborah, the 4th judge of united Israel In Judges 4 and 5. Judges 4:2-10 ESV 'Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time. And she would sit under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, where the Israelites would go up to her for judgment. She summoned Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, “Surely the LORD, the God of Israel, is commanding you: ‘Go and march to Mount Tabor, taking with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun. And I will draw out Sisera the commander of Jabin’s army, his chariots, and his troops to the River Kishon, and I will deliver him into your hand.’ ”
Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.” “I will certainly go with you,” Deborah replied, “but the road you are taking will bring you no honor, because the LORD will be selling Sisera into the hand of a woman.” So Deborah got up and went with Barak to Kedesh, where he summoned Zebulun and Naphtali. Ten thousand men followed him, and Deborah also went with him.
Sisera was slain by Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, Judges 4:11-23 Judges 4:22-24 ESV "But as he lay sleeping from exhaustion, Heber’s wife Jael took a tent peg, grabbed a hammer, and went silently to Sisera. She drove the peg through his temple and into the ground, and he died. When Barak arrived in pursuit of Sisera, Jael went out to greet him and said to him, “Come, and I will show you the man you are seeking.” So he went in with her, and there lay Sisera dead, with a tent peg through his temple. On that day God subdued Jabin king of Canaan before the Israelites. And the hand of the Israelites grew stronger and stronger against Jabin king of Canaan until they destroyed him.

Judges 4: 11-24
Now Heber the Kenite had separated from the Kenites, the descendants of Hobab the father-in-law of Moses, and had pitched his tent as far away as the oak in Zaanannim, which is near Kedesh.
When Sisera was told that Barak the son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor, 13 Sisera called out all his chariots, 900 chariots of iron, and all the men who were with him, from Harosheth-hagoyim to the river Kishon. And Deborah said to Barak, “Up! For this is the day in which the Lord has given Sisera into your hand. Does not the Lord go out before you?” So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with 10,000 men following him. And the Lord routed Sisera and all his chariots and all his army before Barak by the edge of the sword. And Sisera got down from his chariot and fled away on foot. 16 And Barak pursued the chariots and the army to Harosheth-hagoyim, and all the army of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword; not a man was left.
But Sisera fled away on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite. And Jael came out to meet Sisera and said to him, “Turn aside, my lord; turn aside to me; do not be afraid.” So he turned aside to her into the tent, and she covered him with a rug. And he said to her, “Please give me a little water to drink, for I am thirsty.” So she opened a skin of milk and gave him a drink and covered him. And he said to her, “Stand at the opening of the tent, and if any man comes and asks you, ‘Is anyone here?’ say, ‘No.’” But Jael the wife of Heber took a tent peg, and took a hammer in her hand. Then she went softly to him and drove the peg into his temple until it went down into the ground while he was lying fast asleep from weariness. So he died. And behold, as Barak was pursuing Sisera, Jael went out to meet him and said to him, “Come, and I will show you the man whom you are seeking.” So he went in to her tent, and there lay Sisera dead, with the tent peg in his temple.
So on that day God subdued Jabin the king of Canaan before the people of Israel. And the hand of the people of Israel pressed harder and harder against Jabin the king of Canaan, until they destroyed Jabin king of Canaan.

Judges chapter 5
1. On that day Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this song:
2“When the princes take the lead in Israel, when the people volunteer,
bless the LORD.
3Listen, O kings! Give ear, O princes! I will sing to the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD, the God of Israel.
4O LORD, when You went out from Seir, when You marched from the land of Edom, the earth trembled, the heavens poured out rain, and the clouds poured down water.
5The mountains quaked before the LORD, the One of Sinai, before the LORD,
the God of Israel.
6In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were deserted
and the travelers took the byways.
7Life in the villages ceased; it ended in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, a mother in Israel.
8When they chose new gods, then war came to their gates. Not a shield or spear was found among forty thousand in Israel.
9My heart is with the princes of Israel, with the volunteers among the people. Bless the LORD!
10You who ride white donkeys, who sit on saddle blankets, and you who travel the road,
11the voices of the singers at the watering places. There they shall recount the righteous acts of the LORD, the righteous deeds of His villagers in Israel.Then the people of the LORD went down to the gates:
12‘Awake, awake, O Deborah! Awake, awake, sing a song! Arise, O Barak, and take hold of your captives, O son of Abinoam!’
13Then the survivors came down to the nobles; the people of the LORD came down to me against the mighty.
14Some came from Ephraim, with their roots in Amalek; Benjamin came with your people after you. The commanders came down from Machir, the bearers of the marshal’s staff from Zebulun.
15The princes of Issachar were with Deborah, and Issachar was with Barak, rushing into the valley at his heels. In the clans of Reuben there was great indecision.
16Why did you sit among the sheepfolds to hear the whistling for the flocks? In the clans of Reuben there was great indecision.
17Gilead remained beyond the Jordan. Dan, why did you linger by the ships? Asher stayed at the coast and remained in his harbors.
18Zebulun was a people who risked their lives; Naphtali, too, on the heights of the battlefield.
19Kings came and fought; then the kings of Canaan fought at Taanach by the waters of Megiddo, but they took no plunder of silver.
20From the heavens the stars fought; from their courses they fought against Sisera.
21The River Kishon swept them away, the ancient river, the River Kishon. March on, O my soul, in strength!
22Then the hooves of horses thundered—the mad galloping of his stallions.
23‘Curse Meroz,’ says the angel of the LORD. ‘Bitterly curse her inhabitants; for they did not come to help the LORD, to help the LORD against the mighty.’
24Most blessed among women is Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, most blessed of tent-dwelling women.
25He asked for water, and she gave him milk. In a magnificent bowl she brought him curds.
26She reached for the tent peg, her right hand for the workman’s hammer. She struck Sisera and crushed his skull; she shattered and pierced his temple.
27At her feet he collapsed, he fell, there he lay still; at her feet he collapsed, he fell;
where he collapsed, there he fell dead.
28Sisera’s mother looked through the window; she peered through the lattice and lamented: ‘Why is his chariot so long in coming? What has delayed the clatter of his chariots?’
29Her wisest ladies answer;indeed she keeps telling herself,
30‘Are they not finding and dividing the spoil—a girl or two for each warrior, a plunder of dyed garments for Sisera, the spoil of embroidered garments for the neck of the looter?’
31So may all Your enemies perish, O LORD! But may those who love You shine like the sun at its brightest.” And the land had rest for forty years."

FYI Maj Joan Marine PO3 Edward Riddle SSG William Jones CPT Richard Trione COL Randall C. SrA Ronald Moore MSG Darold R. SSgt (Join to see) SSgt David M. Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Lt Col Charlie Brown
You are all one in Christ - Galatians 3:28 [Bible Sings]
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
1 y
It is good to know that Of being the Christian or not.Praying God touch his heart , mind,soul ,Will to work for The Lird Jesus thru Salvation
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
1 y
Thanks for sharingLTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
1 y
You are very welcome my brother-in-Christ SrA Ronald Moore -
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