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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Edited 6 y ago
It is indeed tough to know for sure if we are on the right path. For me I choose to find out by following scripture in determining if I am on the right path. One can not go wrong when following God’s instruction for our life. I love the following verse:
Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version (NIV)
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
I submit the following article for your perusal. Enjoy and be Blessed my RP Family.
Taken from reformationscotland.org

The Only Way to Know if We Are on the Right Path
Home»Blog»The Only Way to Know if We Are on the Right Path
Posted on 18 Aug 2017
What is worth knowing unless we know our purpose in this life and how to achieve it? Most people walk through life with random aimlessness because they do not consider either. The apostle Paul speaks of this as walking “in the vanity of their mind” (Ephesians 4:17). They simply pursue their own gratification or glorification. Their purposes and plans vary according to their inclinations or circumstances. Some seek to gratify pride by honour, others to satisfy their lust by pleasure. Then there are those who feed their covetousness with wealth. If everyone was seeking true happiness they would all pursue the same goal by the same means. It is essential to know whether we are on the right path.

Hugh Binning makes these observations in directing us to the truth. He notes that those who are not in the right way find that the faster they seem to move toward their goal, the further they go from it. Wandering from the right way only takes them further away from true happiness. Therefore it concerns us all most deeply to be acquainted with the true path of blessedness. If we are mistaken about it, the more we do and the swifter we move, the more distant we will be from it.
It is Easy to be Mistaken About the Right Path

There is even greater necessity because there are so many by-paths that lead to destruction. Not by-paths indeed but highways, beaten paths, that the multitude walk in. They never question it, nor can endure being challenged as to whether they are going wrong. In other journeys, men keep to the highway and are afraid of any secret by-way, in case it leads them wrong. In this case the highway leads wrong (far wrong), to hell.
This is the meaning of Christ’s instruction not to walk not in the broad way where many walk, for it leads to destruction. You must be persuaded that the course of this world—the way of most—is dangerous, is damnable. O consider where this way will lead you, before you go further. Do not think it foolish to stand still now and examine it when you have gone on so long in their company. Stand and consider!
Do not be ignorant like mere animals that know nothing else except to follow the herd. They do no follow where they ought to go, but where most go. You have rational souls within you; therefore I beseech you, do not be moulded according to custom and example, that is to be like brute beasts. Walk according to some inward knowledge and reason. Withdraw from the multitude and ask God earnestly: “What is the way?” God will teach those that fear Him the way that he should choose (Psalm 25:12).
We Need the Right Guide for the Right Path

The way to this blessed end is very narrow, very difficult. You must have a guide in it—you must have a lamp and a light in it—else you cannot but go wrong. The principles of reason within us are too dark and dim; they will never lead us through the pits and snares in the way. These shined so brightly in Adam that he needed no light or voice outside of him; but sin has extinguished this greatly. Nothing remains but a little spark under the ashes of much corruption. This is insufficient in itself and most often blinded and darkened by lusts. No matter how much reason is refined (as with the classical heathen philosophers) it is only the blind leading the blind and both must fall into the ditch.
Our goal is high and divine—to glorify God and to enjoy Him. Reason can no more steadfastly behold that glorious goal and move towards it, than our weak eyes can behold the sun. Our eyes can look downward on the earth but not upward to the heavens. We have some remnant of reason in us with poor limited ability for matters of little moment like the things of this life. If we look upward to the glory of God, or eternal happiness, our eyes are dazzled, our reason confounded and we cannot steadfastly behold it (Ephesians 4:18; 2 Corinthians 3:13-14).
The Only True Guide for the Right Path

For this reason the Lord has given us the Scriptures as “a lamp to our feet” and a guide to our way. They are like a candle or light shining in a dark place “until the day dawn” (2 Peter 1:19). These are “able to make us wise unto salvation” (2 Timothy 3:15). Although there is much light in the Scriptures to guide men’s way to God’s glory and their own happiness, yet it will all be to little purpose if the eyes of our understanding are darkened and blinded.
Even if you surround a man with daylight he cannot see unless he opens his eyes. The Scriptures are a clear sun of life and righteousness, but the blind soul surrounded with that light is none the wiser. He thinks the lamp of the Word does not shine because he does not see and has his own dungeon within. Therefore the Spirit of God must open the eyes of the blind, and enlighten the eyes of the understanding, that the soul may see wonderful things in God’s law (Psalm 119:5, 18).

Let this be established in your hearts as the foundation of all true religion, that the Scriptures are the Word of the eternal God. They contain a perfect and exact rule for glorifying God and the way to enjoy Him. They can make you perfect for every good work. As you love your own souls, acquaint yourselves with them.
Hold fast what you have received, and “contend earnestly” for it. Add nothing to it and diminish nothing from it. Let this lamp shine till the day dawn, till the morning of the resurrection and walk in the light of it. Do not kindle any other sparks otherwise you lie down in the grave in sorrow, and rise in sorrow. Take the Word of God as the only rule, and the perfect rule.
It is a rule for all your actions, secular and religious. All must be done to His glory and His word teaches us how to attain to that. Do not let your imaginations, others example, the preaching of men, the decisions of Church courts be your rule, except in so far as you find them agreeing with the perfect rule of God’s Holy Word. All other rules are but like publications and intimations of the rule itself. Decisions of Church courts are only like the herald proclaiming the king’s statute and law: if they varies in anything from His intention, they are not valid and binding. Take the Scriptures for the rule of your walk or else you will wander, the Scriptures are a ruling rule. If you are not acquainted with them, you must follow the opinions or examples of other men, and what if they lead you unto destruction?

PO1 Cliff Heath PO1 Chris Crawley PO1 John Pokrzywa PO1 Timothy Miller PO1 Aaron Baltosser PO1 Norm Burns PO1 Brian Carlson PO1 Richard Landon PO1 Gery Bastiani PO1 Jeff Doan PO1 (Join to see) PO1 Chuk Thomes PO1 Ricky Allen PO1 Christopher ReesePO1 Autumn Sandeen SSgt Brian Brakke MSG Tom Earley
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
6 y
I pray that you and I are recognize that we need to focus on what we should do and say and resist all efforts to be self-righteously judgmental, my friend and brother-in-Christ PO1 H Gene Lawrence.
LORD, YOU allow us to meander within the boundaries that YOU set for each of us before we recognize our need for salvation through the Atonement of the Christ. After we bow the knee and recognize YOU as LORD and Savior over us, YOU lead us and guide us to what we should do and say at any given time. YOU are the God of grace, mercy, love and justice.
Give us grace to encourage those we love to understand that freedom and liberty are bounded by selfless love and responsibility to do well. Help us to be positive and encourage hope in others.
Lead each of to enhance life, love, peace to whomever YOU bring across our path. Let each one of YOUR adopted sons and daughters have a heart overflowing with joy.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
6 y
Awesome prayer, thank you my friend.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
6 y
(Join to see) - thank you my friend. Sometimes it takes a lengthy piece to get all the info out there. Have a blessed day.
Construction Manager
(Join to see)
6 y
PO1 H Gene Lawrence - Just yanking your chain! Blessings !
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Maj Marty Hogan
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
6 y
I pray that you and I are recognize that we need to focus on what we should do and say and resist all efforts to be self-righteously judgmental, my friend and brother-in-Christ Maj Marty Hogan.
LORD, YOU allow us to meander within the boundaries that YOU set for each of us before we recognize our need for salvation through the Atonement of the Christ. After we bow the knee and recognize YOU as LORD and Savior over us, YOU lead us and guide us to what we should do and say at any given time. YOU are the God of grace, mercy, love and justice.
Give us grace to encourage those we love to understand that freedom and liberty are bounded by selfless love and responsibility to do well. Help us to be positive and encourage hope in others.
Lead each of to enhance life, love, peace to whomever YOU bring across our path. Let each one of YOUR adopted sons and daughters have a heart overflowing with joy.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
6 y
ROGER THAT Maj Marty Hogan Great quote brother! Hope you had a relaxing Saturday Marty!
SSG Jose M. Hernandezsanchez
Donna Brickey
Donna Brickey
6 y
I hope it was a good one. A good run can clear my head and get me back heading the right direction or give me the patience to wait for the Good Lord to show it to me. Maj Marty Hogan COL Mikel J. Burroughs
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Alan K.
Edited 6 y ago
Good Morning COL. "The Right Path" ......
I have to head out now for upstate NY, I will be back for this one this evening...Have a fine day and good morning to the Burroughs clan....
Rock It Brother...
Well I am back and my Son Josh and I rocked it in NY....Without going into a long story...We left with about $5K worth of stuff for $300 and I will be going back to get an all original version of the Red boat I have now. I will re-power it and I have the out drive already and it should buff out way better than the Blue boat did.
It was a "Right Path" day....!
It does not get any truer than this:
"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one." — Unknown Author
But whatever you do:
"Choose the right path." — George Bronner. (Right = Corect)
Hope you had a great day COL Mikel J. Burroughs with the Family or whatever you did....!
++I tagged this so you would know I made it back to the post....

SPC Margaret Higgins SFC Shirley Whitfield SGT (Join to see) PO3 Phyllis Maynard LTC Greg Henning Steve Durgin Cpl Scott McCarroll Cpl Craig Marton Cynthia Croft MSgt Cayle Harris Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj Kim Patterson PO3 Bob McCord Capt Seid Waddell Janet Habour Sgt Vance Bonds SGT Pappa Russ Scarvelli
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
6 y
I pray that you and I are recognize that we need to focus on what we should do and say and resist all efforts to be self-righteously judgmental, my friend and brother-in-Christ Alan K..
LORD, YOU allow us to meander within the boundaries that YOU set for each of us before we recognize our need for salvation through the Atonement of the Christ. After we bow the knee and recognize YOU as LORD and Savior over us, YOU lead us and guide us to what we should do and say at any given time. YOU are the God of grace, mercy, love and justice.
Give us grace to encourage those we love to understand that freedom and liberty are bounded by selfless love and responsibility to do well. Help us to be positive and encourage hope in others.
Lead each of to enhance life, love, peace to whomever YOU bring across our path. Let each one of YOUR adopted sons and daughters have a heart overflowing with joy.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
Alan K.
Alan K.
6 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - Vintage Restorations LLC....I am adding Vintage Marine Services to it shortly. I have the Logo Design in my head already!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
6 y
Alan K. - Awesome - I remember that name now. I was just drawing a blank yesterday - My Bad!
Alan K.
Alan K.
6 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - We call that CRS COL. !
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