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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jul 6, 2018
LTC Joseph Kopser
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Responses: 39
MSgt Stephen Council
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SrA Christopher B. Sgt Randy Wilber SGT Gregory Lawritson Cpl (Join to see) Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth LTC (Join to see) MSG Frederick Otero SFC Pete Kain LCDR (Join to see) PO1 Tony Holland SCPO Morris Ramsey SGT Jim Arnold SFC William H. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGT Charles H. Hawes CPL Dave Hoover TSgt Joe C. SGT Jim Arnold Lt Col Charlie Brown So, I will post my comments for a second time. It seems they were removed after I posted last time. And checked to ensure they were successful. But I guess when you are opposed to someone violating federal law (the Hatch Act) that can happen. 1. I don't care to ask many questions of someone who served in the military and then sides politically with the party that basically despises our sacrifices. 2. I don't care about the opinion of someone who served in our military and then sides with the spoiled brats who kneel during the National Anthem and in front of our flag in order to show their utter contempt for our sacrifices. 3. Time has proven that the worst leaders on the political stage have been military members. The military is far too autocratic to easily allow any military leader to thrive in the world of politics...unless their style of leadership is akin to a pelosi or waters, but I am not in a position to make that determination about this former soldier. So, the only question I have for this gentleman is this: Why did you chose to violate the Hatch Act by wearing your uniform in an overtly political endeavor? Kinda tells me ALL I need to know LTC Joseph Kopser.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
6 y
Even if it is an old photo, I feel it is inappropriate. Take a picture with a veteran hat if you must, but our uniforms should be apolitical
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
6 y
Cpl Sain, I don't know if He actually wore the uniform at. The event though even though it was an annoucement of intent to seek office which it was. If He actually wore the uniform to the event that isn't allowed for any political purpose. I presume the picture itself wasn't from the political event and have seen nothing that confirms it was.
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
First, that photo is seven years old while I still served. My wife likes it. So i posted it. Second, I would add Eisenhower, Powell and Kennedy as vets who served well in government after the military. Too many others to name.
MSgt Stephen Council
MSgt Stephen Council
6 y
Eisenhower and Powell both served as either Republicans or for Republican presidents. Kennedy is widely regarded to have been closer to Republican than Democrat a fact that even Reagan mentioned.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
Why did you choose the democrat party when they have been sliding more and more towards socialism? What are your views on socialism? Why are politicians becoming more and more extreme instead of middle of the road? Both parties have some good and some bad points. Why can’t we have a nice blend of them in one politician? Do you really believe all the positions on your website?
SFC Owner/Operator
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
Read his web-page. His policies are all socialist inspired but he has yet to call himself one.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
6 y
We all have a little bit of socialist in us. Were we to be 100% capitalist, people would be dying for lack of healthcare, etc. Soup kitchens? Homeless shelters? Try and find one in nanny state socialist Europe. Nope. We're the only ones who have them. Strange, as we feel (when making speeches) that people should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. But oddly, we don't allow those who can't pull themselves up to die, do we?
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
Yes, I believe all the positions on my page and I would encourage you to read this interview I did about the impact of extreme on politics on society. The link is below: http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1610/29/cnr.03.html
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser - if you follow cnn you have to follow fox too. The truth is always somewhere in the center. Media bias exists on both sides. Extremists exist on both sides. We need a viable third party.
SPC Andrew Ross
LTC Joseph Kopser, should you be a seated Representative from Texas, when President Trump makes statements at his State of the Union address of the accomplishments of his administration which serve to benefit all Americans (record Black and Hispanic employment for example,) will Ms. Pelosi permit your standing to applaud?
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
When President Trump announces some that serves the whole nation Even I will applause, but that has not happened yet.
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
I don't work for Ms Pelosi, I will stand up when I want to. I want to represent the people of TX-21.
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
Here's how I responded on a different thread above: As I often say on the campaign trail, I’m not coming to take guns away from law-abiding gun owners like myself. In one example in Detroit, hundreds of guns that were going unused were collected, and people in need simultaneously got some money. It was a win/win.
Since having guns in the home increases the risk of injury and death, more traded in means less potential for unsecured weapons that could be fired accidentally, and therefore safer communities. http://www.bradycampaign.org/risks-of-having-a-gun-in-the-home
SFC Rex Stevens
SFC Rex Stevens
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser - And that did not work. It was a publicity stunt that failed. The reason Detroit failed was 50 plus years of Democrats in charge of the City Government and the Unions that killed the auto productions in the Detroit area.
PO3 Donald Murphy
Congratulations on your decision to run. Gun control...

You do realize that buy-backs don't work as you're purchasing legally purchased guns from legal gun owners. Instead of pursuing pie-in-the-sky one-size-fits-all solutions, how about STOPPING THE GUN before it enters the school? Ie; a metal detector. The first Columbine victim had not been buried yet and our local high school installed one metal detector. A phone call went out on Friday stating that starting Monday, all students would be entering the school at such and such a door, etc.

Well guess what?

Not two days into the use, a child carrying shotgun shells was caught, a child with a pistol barrel, etc. But alas - the detectors were torn down months later as parents (of all people...!) complained at the increased time that it took little Johnny and little Jane to enter the school (one door, one detector). Soon, concerned (read: stupid) parents went to school board meetings and the detectors were removed. My wife is English by the way and we are in England/Europe every year for vacation (to see inlaws, etc) and I can tell you tons of funny stories of England's "ban" on weapons. Its still going on by the way... Since 1997, I believe. And despite that, England has (now) armed cops and rising gun crime. Amazing how that works. I'd be interested in your thoughts on that.

Health care....

When a billion Europeans stood up and said "we want nationalized health care" they didn't have an ambulance chaser lawyer industry, big pharm or insurance industry to dismantle. Additionally, Europeans can't lobby (lobby is normally referred to everywhere else as "graft" "bribery" and "corruption"). So I'm interested in how you intend to fertilize your plans.
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
Rather than over simply the issue, I want to solve both of those big problems by taking steps forward. They will not be solved overnight.
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
Here's how I commented on a similar thread above: As I often say on the campaign trail, I’m not coming to take guns away from law-abiding gun owners like myself. In one example in Detroit, hundreds of guns that were going unused were collected, and people in need simultaneously got some money. It was a win/win.
Since having guns in the home increases the risk of injury and death, more traded in means less potential for unsecured weapons that could be fired accidentally, and therefore safer communities. http://www.bradycampaign.org/risks-of-having-a-gun-in-the-home
SFC Rex Stevens
SFC Rex Stevens
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser - Just another failed Publicity Stunt.
SSgt Clare May
I am not in your voting district but as a elected Congressman... your stance on one issue will and can affect me as a honorably discharged Vet and 38 year law enforcement peace officer residing 80 miles West of El Paso Texas. It is a very simple issue with multiple aspects and your response will tell me, and everyone here on Rally Point how you will impact them if you are elected.

What is your stance on gun control as a Democrat? I don't want a vague descriptor response either... I want the whole enchilada... from what you think about private party possession, private gun sales between parties, gun registrations, under what circumstances would you support government sponsored gun seizures from private citizens... what restrictions you believe in would be appropriate. for gun ownership and possession as the two are not the same... would you support a convicted felon obtaining a gun lawfully and under what circumstances would that be permissible, gun silencers, full auto in private party possession, high capacity magazines, short barrel weapons systems designation as a pistol versus a rifle or shotgun, abolishing class 3 weapons for private individual license possession or continued registration of them, bump stocks and again... everything about gun possession in America by honest law abiding Americans. How do you feel about explosives in the hands of Americans? How about it LTC Kopser? Should I as an citizen be able to purchase a surplus weapons system like a F-4 phantom or a A-7 combat jet or the quad 20mm gun mounted in the tail of the B52's I guarded for years? Yes I want to hear if your pro or con to each one of them and why you are opposed or in favor of them...as absurd as some of them are...I still want to hear how you feel about them.

We are in opposition parties. The DNC I grew up with isn't the same DNC party of today's age. I do not believe in the DNC as a continued political party at this time holds my best interests at heart any more. I choose the GOP party as a individual choice. I have been upset at times with them, but never left them over what i'd call trivial issues of other events.... You choose to belong to the DNC. What can you do as an elected official to bring my values into your Texas Congressional District? What can you do to try and bring me to the table to support your candidacy from another neighboring State?

Will you...run a divide and conquer strategy in your campaign trail? You must be able to separate yourself from the other to win...you know that ...right? What is your plan to unite us as Americans if you do win...? especially if you intentionally divide us...to win an election?

You can blow the answers off if you choose to do so... my vote means nothing to your election. Your here on Rally Point trying to garner support... Let's hear it.

Conclusion to my rant... Anyone can attend secondary education venues across this nation of ours. All it take is money in the right hands... the grades... but yeah...it is the money thing. With what I witnessed over the years, the liberal professors across America do nothing for me and only have enhanced the ability of the left and liberal to advance destructive socialist and communist party's goals in America. In Other Words, you can be book smart, and street stupid at the same time and your resume is impressive... but do you have common sense?

Why do I state that? The DNC has electors right now that I am opposed to 110%. 1,190% on some days. How will you deal with them? As a rookie Congressman... you are at their mercy for appointments to chairs and positions that make our system either work or coagulate them with bluster.

I'll be waiting...
SFC Owner/Operator
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
If you go to his campaign page will see that he's anti-NRA anti 2A.
He's wants to reinstitute the assault weapon ban, forced registration, magazine limits, and gun buy backs.
Link. https://kopserforcongress.com/my-values/gun-safety/
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
I appreciate your rant, as for guns, here is my detailed policy paper: https://kopserforcongress.com/my-values/gun-safety/
SSgt Clare May
SSgt Clare May
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser - Each and every new gun restriction placed upon the populace insures one thing. Criminalization of more people under a tighter and more restrictive government exercising its will through political candidates like you that promise nothing to me or my family. Your stance covers nothing that isn't already on a socialists agenda.

Limit gun types for all. Limit restrict...abandon your arms, I give you $100 for a $500 weapon... AMNESTY if you turn your gun in.

You may appreciate my rant but you'll do nothing to answer directly any of myscomments.

Good luck...but I dont seeing it happen captain...
Maj John Bell
Edited 6 y ago
Sir, I am not one of your constituents. None the less, I'm interested. My concern is that I hear way too much of politician's telling me what they are going to do for me, most of which is not within their power, or is, in my opinion, government over reach.

I am concerned that politician's in DC and the state capitols feel they know how better spend my money than I do. I think it is more like government takes my money then politicians expect me to be grateful as they parcel it out.

Tell me not what you are going to do for me; instead tell me what you are going to do to get the government's camel out of my tent and the tax man out of my wallet. How do you propose to restrict and reduce the Federal Government's footprint.

And finally, will you vow to refrain from uncivil political discourse and misleading/selective characterization of your opponent's positions?
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
No, not college for all. Education and training for all. I want government to facilitate the conditions needed to attack the problem laid out in the this report. Enjoy reading it and let me know what you think: http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/reports/PDF/6862.PDF
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser - It won't open. All I get is a gray screen can you give a web page with a link.
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
Not sure why it went grey. Its a PDF and it should load. I sent you the link above so you can copy/paste.
LTC Steve Mannell
LTC Joseph Kopser, I'd like to hear about your military transition to business and politics. When did you decide this was the path you would take, and how did you you plan and prepare for this run? Thanks!
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
Steve--- Great question. I think Vets are the perfect folks to serve in business and public service. In business, we work well in teams, focus on the mission and don't sweat the small stuff. In public service, our military training prepares us well to manage the chaos. Below are two great things to read.
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
This "My Story" page on CrowdPac lays out why I'm running: https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/193261/joseph-kopser
LTC Steve Mannell
LTC Steve Mannell
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser Best of luck to you, Joe. Added the book to my Kindle queue. Looks like a good one.
SFC William Farrell
LTC Joseph Kopser while I have not lived in Texas since I left Fort Hood in 1973 I loved the state. What is your Second Amendment stance be? Good luck to you.
SFC Owner/Operator
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser - That's not support and sounds worse than California's gun laws.
PO2 Jack LaBarge
PO2 Jack LaBarge
6 y
LTC Joseph Kopser - and for you, “What IS GUN SAFTY”? No Guns? Or “only” for the Democrat Socialist Government Police?
LTC Fxsp
Sure you are a nice guy but not a Texan. Both sides of my family have centuries of presence in Texas. I was born in Chicago and still take heat for that. Not a Texan not getting my vote. Try New York Hillary was a senator there
LTC Fxsp
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
Although a fine musician Willy is a dope smoker and hardly capable of speaking for the people of Texas. Why are you running for office in Texas?
LTC Fxsp
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
If your total perspective of Texas is Willie Nelson, hippies and cowboys then you fall well short of what Texans would consider a credible candidate for any office representing the people of Texas.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
6 y
The original statement here reminds me of why no one likes Cowboys fans...ha
LTC Fxsp
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
MSG Stan Hutchison
Some of the responses here are almost funny. I consistently see calls for "more military veterans" to serve in politics, especially by our conservative members. Now, here is a qualified Veteran submitting his name on the ballot and his service is disregarded. I guess they believe only "conservative" Veterans are acceptable.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
Some vets are more equal than other vets
SFC Owner/Operator
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - What does that mean???
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
It is a paraphrase from Orwell
LTC Joseph Kopser
LTC Joseph Kopser
6 y
Thanks Stan. I too believe vets are well-designed for service. Here's a paper I wrote to that point--not sure why it says page not found but the paper is there. http://www.pacefunders.org/publications/pubs/Six%20Practioners%27%20Perspectives.pdf

Join nearly 2 million former and current members of the US military, just like you.
