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Responses: 12
CSM Charles Hayden
LTC Tom Jones California’s Governor Newsom is always exempt from not visiting those non-destination states.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
CSM Charles Hayden Illegal aliens registered in California can get free community college. I knew an illegal alien from Mexico who got free community college and his American buddies were resentful. This was back in the 1990s. Yes, the congressmen are exempt and many schools have to pay with private money so they're really pissed off at California.. Just because does California can't define what a woman is.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CMSgt (Join to see) CSM Charles Hayden LTC Tom Jones
Transgender athletes should be considered considered based on their gender when they were born born if competing against bio females especially because it is a form of cheating!
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
2 y
LTC (Join to see) Free community college has been part of California residents benefits since at least the 50s. Even if you're illegal you still reside there. Amazing how the unwoke envy the woke so miuch.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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LTC Tom Jones Mexican Banda groups like 'the bookies' Have been singing for decades that this land used to be there before before period the Mexican band spelling I'm not sure.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen When I started college in 1981 it was free but then later it went to $50 a semester and then I transferred to the Cal state and it was $343 Dollars a semester. I wouldn't be surprised that it Was much more expensive as the years went by. It is currently $711 Each semester at the community college
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Well at least they didn't join the SEC, then they'd never have any away games. :-))
CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
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Lol...good point!
Maj Owner/Partner
Maj (Join to see)
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Indeed. We are well on our way to imposing christian theocracy here.
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LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ LTC Tom Jones for sharing the rather unsurprising news that radical Calfornia banned state travel to five states over so-called anti-LGBTQ 'bigotry'

Hopefully soon California will add Virginia to their list of non-essential travel bans. That way they techically could not travel via Dulles or Washington National airports :-)

My own views on California banning state-funded travel to I believe it's 26 different states that do not agree and or support their views on the lgbtq lifestyle. Please comment and share this short video clip shot from the hip and not scripted

Background from {[nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/california-bans-state-travel-5-states-anti-lgbtq-bigotry-rcna1293]}
""We’re in the midst of an unprecedented wave of bigotry and discrimination in this country — and the State of California is not going to support it."
Democratic Attorney General Rob Bonta added Florida, Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota and West Virginia to the list that now has 17 states where state employee travel is forbidden except under limited circumstances.
“Make no mistake: We’re in the midst of an unprecedented wave of bigotry and discrimination in this country — and the State of California is not going to support it,” Bonta said.
Lawmakers in 2016 banned non-essential travel to states with laws that discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The 12 other states on the list are: Texas, Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Kentucky, North Carolina, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee."

Thnka you my friend and brother CSM Charles Hayden for mentioning me.

FYI SFC (Join to see) SFC Ralph E Kelley COL Lisandro Murphy 1LT Voyle Smith Lt Col Charlie Brown MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SMSgt Lawrence McCarter MSG Roy CheeverPO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
LTC Trent KlugMSG Daniel TalleySPC Tina JonesSSgt David M.CWO2 John HeinzlAmn Dale Preisach PO3 Edward Riddle Cpl Samuel Pope Sr SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Michael Terrell
SPC Michael Terrell
2 y
Florida should prohibit the import of Citrus from the leftist coast. Arizona should stop letting them take their water, as well.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
2 y
Amn Dale Preisach - Residents of California are not being "banned" from traveling. The state will not be sending state employees on state-funded trips to those states who discriminate against LGBTQ people.
SPC Gary C.
SPC Gary C.
2 y
Amn Dale Preisach - As in "Escape from L.A. ?
Amn Dale Preisach
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