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Responses: 32
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Edited >1 y ago
Good morning Col Burroughs. I saw your topic and wondered where you were going to go with it. Patience is often the cure to a lot of problems...wait them out. That's something that can be very difficult to do especially if you see yourself as an "action oriented" person. Weigh the options, sometimes that helps us pick the right remedy in a situation; very rarely is immediate action required.

SMSgt Lawrence McCarter LT Brad McInnis PO3 Bob McCord CW3 Dick McManus SGT John " Mac " McConnell CWO3 Dennis M. MSgt Stephen Council LTC (Join to see) LTC Stephan PorterLTC Stephen C. LTC Greg Henning SGT Gregory Lawritson Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj Robert Thornton SFC Francisco Rosario LTC (Join to see) Wayne Soares SSG Michael Noll SSG Jeff Furgerson
SMSgt David A Asbury
SMSgt David A Asbury
>1 y
Love to do both whenever I can, LOL.
GySgt Thomas Vick
GySgt Thomas Vick
>1 y
I do my best to do that at least once a day LtCol. Charlie Brown.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown - Honesty with the word 'remedy' and 'remedies' you could a number of different directions and I decided to try and touch on as many as possible, but not all of them. I like your directions the quotes you shared today Charlie - thank you. Here is my final thought on the topic...

"There are many different remedies for a multitude of different things. It could be for sickness, silent wounds/disabilities affecting mental health; it can be leadership challenges with finding the remedy to move individuals toward a vision and the list goes on. May you always find a remedy to problems and issues that need to be solved instead of finding fault; may you always have a positive attitude when it comes to finding the right remedy for whatever you're facing that needs to be healed, fixed, or motivated; may you always continue to take of your mind, body, and soul; and keep your family safe, secure, happy, and healthy. When it comes to leadership; leadership is action, earned respect, credibility, and creating solutions and the right remedies." — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
SPC Michael Terrell
SPC Michael Terrell
>1 y
I rarely sleep more than two hours at a time. I haven't had a decent night of sleep in over a decade.
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Edited >1 y ago
Good “Monday” Morning “Burroughs’ Posse Leader from a cold but warming Greater Boston Area...Currently 48° with 78% humidity and winds WSW 2 mph... Have a great week ahead, Mikel...

“Remedy Day!” Why Not?

1) “A leader is the one, who knows the way, goes the way and show the way” — John C Maxwell

2) "Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings." - Helen Keller

3) "A strong leader avoids becoming over-confident to the point of impaired judgment.” - Daniel Lubetzky

4) "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion." - Thomas Jefferson

5) "The leader is one who, out of the clutter, brings simplicity… Out of discord, harmony… And out of difficult, opportunity.” — Albert Einstein

6) “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” — Abraham Lincoln

“Here is the remedy for leaders who need to be needed or liked: They need to stand on their own two feet and make the tough decisions without everyone’s approval. Earn respect, become a good role model, and be credible.” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG Felipe De Leon Brown Thank you Felipe!
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
GySgt Thomas Vick Thank you Gunny!!!
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
That sure is true when You encourage people its mazing what they can do, if You keep telling them they can't or discourage them they then can't when otherwise they well may have. I troop I had working for Me another supervisor kept writing Him up and discouraging Him. I ended up being His supervisor and one of the firs things I did was throw out all the things in front of him the other guy had written and told Him I didn't care what He though I'll form My own opinion, You do a good job for Me We will get along fine. He ended up being one of my best troops and I wrote Him an outstanding performance report which He earned and He did get promoted. I didn't have a very high opinion of His previous Supervisor anyway and as it was I was His replacement and for a reason it seems.

There are some that will fail anyway but MOST won't especially if You give them the proper support and backing. Another troop however i relieved from duty, had Him turn His weapon in and made it clear i had no use for Him. My superiors backed that and His orders for a 2nd stripe were redlined and the one stripe He had was taken away from Him so He had no stripes. I had told them whatever You do with him I don't want Him working for Me again ever, I don't need Him and neither do any of My other people. He was also removed from the career field. The other troops were all fine and did their jobs the way they should and knew I had their back and all went the extra mile and did more than just what was expected. You post did get me thinking about them.

A lot of the way I handled things in all honesty I had learned from a supervisor of Mine that I think I learned more from than any other human being I've ever met. He knew how to handle people, backed them up, was a leader and wasn't intimidated by anyone when it came to looking out for His troops. He knew how to get guys to want to go the extra mile above and beyond just what was expected although there was no question Who was in charge. He would never embarrass You in front of others if You made a mistake but would praise in public and people do eat that up despite what they say. That man was a TSgt Samual Dickens, who retired as a MSgt and a man I had the greatest respect for and loved working for. To this day I remember all the good things He had taught Me.
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter That is an absolutely outstanding response, Lawrence... What & how you lead your troops is just how I have always done throughout my career, my friend...
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LTC Greg Henning
My saying for the past several years if I can not control it or effect the outcome in anyway I do not worry about it. Too often we waste energy on things we can not control instead of focusing on what we can effect. There is another old moto, life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% your reaction to what occurred. It took a long time for me to come to that understanding. SPC Margaret Higgins COL Mikel J. Burroughs CW5 Jack Cardwell Lt Col Charlie Brown SGT (Join to see) CPL Dave Hoover SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SSG Michael Noll SGT Steve McFarland 1SG Steven Imerman CPL Douglas Chrysler SPC Douglas Bolton PO1 H Gene Lawrence Sgt (Join to see) LTC Stephen F. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1SG Joseph Dartey
1SG Joseph Dartey
>1 y
SPC Darnella Thompson, out of all the years this I taught high school JROTC i only had one student recently go to jail. I always treated my students as one of my kids, but also as young adults. Many of my students have gone on to make the military a career and I promised those that went to the military that I would be at their BCT graduation and I did attend all expect one and that was when my mother passed away. To a shocking revelation, many of my student came to my mother's showing and funeral and those that were in uniform, stood out side the door on both sides of the sidewalk and when her casket departed the building each one of them removed their headgear, crossed their arms in front of them and bowed their heads. I recently went to one of my students promotion to major in uniform, saluted him and was presented with a silver dollar. Now that is respect, admiration, care and concern from my former students.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
LTC Greg Henning - "Spot on" Greg. Thanks and enjoy your evening. Here is some of my thoughts on remedy...

"There are many different remedies for a multitude of different things. It could be for sickness, silent wounds/disabilities affecting mental health; it can be leadership challenges with finding the remedy to move individuals toward a vision and the list goes on. May you always find a remedy to problems and issues that need to be solved instead of finding fault; may you always have a positive attitude when it comes to finding the right remedy for whatever you're facing that needs to be healed, fixed, or motivated; may you always continue to take of your mind, body, and soul; and keep your family safe, secure, happy, and healthy. When it comes to leadership; leadership is action, earned respect, credibility, and creating solutions and the right remedies." — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
>1 y
1SG Joseph Dartey - I care about all of my students and will most anything I can for them but we can's save everyone from themselves. Unfortunately I have had several of my former student go to jail and, to the state prison. Two of them for first degree murder. Generally those in the JROTC program at my school are more respectful and seem to just make better choices for whatever reason. But on the positive side I have had a few join my brotherhood of Marines and earn the title. And, I have two that I know of that have graduated medical school, one of which I would have never guessed would go to college much less medical school! When she told me I was her inspiration I was speechless. I attended both of these graduations. As educators we may never know how we have influence our students most of the time.
LTC Greg Henning
LTC Greg Henning
>1 y
Cpl Vic Burk - Your last statement is 100% correct. I have been teaching high school for 20 years and seen 100 plus students join the military or off to college and do great things with their lives.
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