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Responses: 5
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. good read and share Brother Dale.
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LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my friend MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for posting the perspective from frontpagemag.com
To be honest, this is an over-the-top view. Certainly if you focus on the rabble rousers and demagogues who try to stir up peoples emotions via soundbites and simplistic messages.

This video is focused on a combination of domestic policy and international policy relations.

The foundations of this nation are focused on our founding documents - the Constitution with ratified amendments. Most people in this nation tend to be reasonable and focused on local issues affecting their families and life in general.

There are many sincere believers in Christ who are conservative or liberal in political focus. God is in control and HE works all to good. [Romans 8:28 ESV] 'And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose'.

Is America in decline? | The Economist
America is reeling from a failed war in Afghanistan, political polarisation and increasing social division. Could the superpower be in decline?
00:00 - America’s rising instability
00:45 - Is America in decline?
03:21 - America’s foreign policy failures
05:23 - Is this the end of American intervention?
07:02 - America’s domestic decline: what can be done?
09:09 - Will the infrastructure bill help?
10:40 - Is declinism inevitable?

FYI Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SGT Mary G. LTC Greg Henning Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC David Brown LTC John Shaw LTC John Mohor SFC William Farrell CSM Charles Hayden SSG William Jones MSG Greg KellySSG Michael Noll Sgt (Join to see) CSM Bob Stanek Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth SSG Donald H "Don" Bates 1LT Voyle Smith GySgt Jack Wallace
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
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SSG Bill McCoy
Agree with SOME of the comments, but not so much with a lot of it. I don't believe that the majority of black or Latinos want whites to bow to them and that too much media attention is placed on the likes of BLM Marxist ideologies. That said, attention to CRT is important and the media seems to play it down too much. However, the white birthrate, especially compared to Muslims is concerning; likewise with the ALLOWED illegal alien invasion.
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