Posted on Jun 3, 2019
The Colonel's Motivational Quotes of Day!
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 36
I’m sorry to hear of the delay in your ride. I’m glad to know that you and Billy can be flexible in your goal. As many are, I too will be keeping y’all in my prayers for a safe journey. I’m sure that in your ability to stay flexible there will be a positive reward. We must keep an eye open for what that might be. It may not be obvious until a much later time.
During my perusal for an appropriate article today, I found three which fit the bill, so it came down to making a hard decision. I had to exercise some flexibility in choosing. I hope y’all find the following article helpful. Have a blessed day my RP Family.
Taken from bible
The Power of Flexibility
By Marjorie F. Eddington
Flexibility -- the ability to move naturally, change directions easily, and compromise when appropriate -- is a wonderful quality. Think what would happen if an airplane pilot refused to be flexible and change altitude or direction when advised of a dangerous weather system. Or think about what could happen if car drivers refused to let other people merge into their lanes. Or ponder what would happen if no one ever compromised.
It requires flexibility (and grace) to stop or alter a certain course of action, to allow others to merge in front of you, to see a situation from another's perspective. Flexibility may be defined as "capable of being bent, usually without breaking; adaptable, willing to yield; pliable…. Pliant stresses an inherent quality or tendency to bend that does not require force or pressure from the outside" ( So true flexibility isn't forced upon us (though sometimes we learn to be flexible the hard way). Flexibility is a natural quality that comes from within, from our true God-given nature.
It makes much more sense to be flexible -- to "bend" rather than "break." All we need to do is look at which trees survive storms -- the ones that bend. And yet, sometimes we feel so compelled to hold onto our own way of thinking or acting; we are so convinced that our way is the right way; and we refuse to compromise at all. In such moments, we find ourselves at the point of breaking.
Some people even do break … and then they have to figure out how to put back the pieces of their lives (which is totally possible when we yield everything to God). Other people bend at every little thing and never stand up. This isn't good either, for these people aren't expressing the strength and dominion God has given them. They end up feeling deflated or insignificant, even worthless.
How do we avoid breaking in the first place? How do we stand firm and not fold at the slightest hint of conflict? We do it by expressing flexibility. We are willing to yield our own plan of what we should do and, instead, find strength in following God's direction – like Jesus.
As Jesus was walking to Jairus' house to heal his daughter, a woman with an "issue of blood" stopped him (Mark 5:25 KJV). She touched Jesus' garment, yearning to meet him, and immediately experienced healing. Jesus took time to talk to her briefly but compassionately, explaining that her faith had made her whole. Surely Jairus was anxious for Jesus to get to his house. But Jesus was unconcerned by the passing of time or the priority that one patient might have over another. His understanding of God's ceaseless and tender care for each of us empowered him to be flexible -- to respond to every need as it arose. So he didn't need to make a decision regarding whom to heal: he could care for both the woman and Jairus' daughter!
Jesus was continually flexible in the way he met people's needs. He healed the sick and the crippled on the Sabbath, respected women and children, wasn't concerned when his disciples plucked corn on the Sabbath and ate without washing their hands (Matt 12:1,2). In fact, when the Pharisees confronted him about his disciples breaking the rules, Jesus responded, "There is far more at stake here than religion. If you had any idea what this Scripture meant—'I prefer a flexible heart to an inflexible ritual'—you wouldn't be nitpicking like this" (The Message, Matt 12:6-7).
But Jesus' ways were too flexible for the scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees, who felt that he was disregarding years of tradition, culture, rules, law, and sacred ways of living as a Jew. Jesus' flexibility with the old way of doing things scared them so much that they felt he needed to be destroyed.
While Jesus was flexible in many ways, he was definitely not flexible regarding his mission. While he included the outcasts in his ministry -- healed them, proved how they deserved to be in the kingdom of God, and even first announced himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well (who was totally out of the traditional, accepted circle) -- Jesus knew his mission was to the Jews. He was "inflexible" when it came to the cross: he knew he had to take it up, bear it, and rise above it.
The week of his crucifixion, there were Greeks who wanted to see Jesus. But Jesus wouldn't change his course and preach to them. Instead, he told his disciples, "The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit" (John 12:20-24 KJV).
Had Jesus gone with the Greeks, he never would have been crucified. And had he never been crucified, he would not have resurrected and proved that death could not touch him, that life is indeed eternal. It wasn't until Jesus resurrected that his disciples really understood his teachings. Had they not been charged with the fire of the Holy Spirit, they would not have brought forth "fruit," and we would not have Christianity today.
Jesus' apparent inflexibility to change plans was actually an expression of deep humility and strength. Avoiding the cross must have been much more appealing; it certainly would have been less painful and easier than going through it. But Jesus was unwilling to compromise his complete trust in God by taking the easy way out. He knew he had to follow God's plan -- which was not death but life, not the crucifixion but the resurrection, not the cross but the crown. It took incredible humility and strength to say "…not my will, but thine be done" (Luke 22:42). Jesus knew when to yield, when to change course, and when to stay on course.
How can we know when to be flexible and when to be inflexible? It all has to do with what God is telling us, with our ability to listen and obey God's guidance. Usually, we can follow this simple guideline: if it's an issue regarding people, be flexible; if it's an issue regarding principle, stand firm.
Here are some questions that can help us be flexible:
Is this course of action from God?
Or, is it just something I really want to do and am not really certain it's God-sanctioned?
Am I fighting against God or for God if I think or act a certain way?
What will happen if I yield up my own plans or ideas?
And, perhaps more poignantly:
What will happen if I refuse to be flexible -- refuse to yield, to give up my own view of the situation, my own way of doing things, my own plans and follow God's lead?
If nothing else changes (for I can't change others or alter outside circumstances), and if I don't change my course of thought and action, what will the consequences be?
Answering these questions honestly and humbly should give us the desire and impetus to express flexibility. Jesus' life shows us the value and power of flexibility. When we bend, we don't break.
As we think more about Jesus' flexibility, we realize that even when Jesus stood firm with principle, he still bent – but he bent to God's will. Because he bent to God's will, he was not broken. Rather, he rose. When we bend to God's will, we find that we are able to stand strong and rise above situations that may seem to us like a cross. We, too, can claim our own resurrection.
PO2 Edwin Engelmann MSgt William Anderson SSG Diane R. LT Ed Skiba SPC Rob Raybourn PVT Kenneth Krause Cpl Jeff N. SGT Cody Skinner SSgt Max Gonzales PO3 Kathy Patton Sgt Pedro Perez SFC Wade Adams CW3 (Join to see) Cpl Robert Bietz Col Ray Bruneau
During my perusal for an appropriate article today, I found three which fit the bill, so it came down to making a hard decision. I had to exercise some flexibility in choosing. I hope y’all find the following article helpful. Have a blessed day my RP Family.
Taken from bible
The Power of Flexibility
By Marjorie F. Eddington
Flexibility -- the ability to move naturally, change directions easily, and compromise when appropriate -- is a wonderful quality. Think what would happen if an airplane pilot refused to be flexible and change altitude or direction when advised of a dangerous weather system. Or think about what could happen if car drivers refused to let other people merge into their lanes. Or ponder what would happen if no one ever compromised.
It requires flexibility (and grace) to stop or alter a certain course of action, to allow others to merge in front of you, to see a situation from another's perspective. Flexibility may be defined as "capable of being bent, usually without breaking; adaptable, willing to yield; pliable…. Pliant stresses an inherent quality or tendency to bend that does not require force or pressure from the outside" ( So true flexibility isn't forced upon us (though sometimes we learn to be flexible the hard way). Flexibility is a natural quality that comes from within, from our true God-given nature.
It makes much more sense to be flexible -- to "bend" rather than "break." All we need to do is look at which trees survive storms -- the ones that bend. And yet, sometimes we feel so compelled to hold onto our own way of thinking or acting; we are so convinced that our way is the right way; and we refuse to compromise at all. In such moments, we find ourselves at the point of breaking.
Some people even do break … and then they have to figure out how to put back the pieces of their lives (which is totally possible when we yield everything to God). Other people bend at every little thing and never stand up. This isn't good either, for these people aren't expressing the strength and dominion God has given them. They end up feeling deflated or insignificant, even worthless.
How do we avoid breaking in the first place? How do we stand firm and not fold at the slightest hint of conflict? We do it by expressing flexibility. We are willing to yield our own plan of what we should do and, instead, find strength in following God's direction – like Jesus.
As Jesus was walking to Jairus' house to heal his daughter, a woman with an "issue of blood" stopped him (Mark 5:25 KJV). She touched Jesus' garment, yearning to meet him, and immediately experienced healing. Jesus took time to talk to her briefly but compassionately, explaining that her faith had made her whole. Surely Jairus was anxious for Jesus to get to his house. But Jesus was unconcerned by the passing of time or the priority that one patient might have over another. His understanding of God's ceaseless and tender care for each of us empowered him to be flexible -- to respond to every need as it arose. So he didn't need to make a decision regarding whom to heal: he could care for both the woman and Jairus' daughter!
Jesus was continually flexible in the way he met people's needs. He healed the sick and the crippled on the Sabbath, respected women and children, wasn't concerned when his disciples plucked corn on the Sabbath and ate without washing their hands (Matt 12:1,2). In fact, when the Pharisees confronted him about his disciples breaking the rules, Jesus responded, "There is far more at stake here than religion. If you had any idea what this Scripture meant—'I prefer a flexible heart to an inflexible ritual'—you wouldn't be nitpicking like this" (The Message, Matt 12:6-7).
But Jesus' ways were too flexible for the scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees, who felt that he was disregarding years of tradition, culture, rules, law, and sacred ways of living as a Jew. Jesus' flexibility with the old way of doing things scared them so much that they felt he needed to be destroyed.
While Jesus was flexible in many ways, he was definitely not flexible regarding his mission. While he included the outcasts in his ministry -- healed them, proved how they deserved to be in the kingdom of God, and even first announced himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well (who was totally out of the traditional, accepted circle) -- Jesus knew his mission was to the Jews. He was "inflexible" when it came to the cross: he knew he had to take it up, bear it, and rise above it.
The week of his crucifixion, there were Greeks who wanted to see Jesus. But Jesus wouldn't change his course and preach to them. Instead, he told his disciples, "The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit" (John 12:20-24 KJV).
Had Jesus gone with the Greeks, he never would have been crucified. And had he never been crucified, he would not have resurrected and proved that death could not touch him, that life is indeed eternal. It wasn't until Jesus resurrected that his disciples really understood his teachings. Had they not been charged with the fire of the Holy Spirit, they would not have brought forth "fruit," and we would not have Christianity today.
Jesus' apparent inflexibility to change plans was actually an expression of deep humility and strength. Avoiding the cross must have been much more appealing; it certainly would have been less painful and easier than going through it. But Jesus was unwilling to compromise his complete trust in God by taking the easy way out. He knew he had to follow God's plan -- which was not death but life, not the crucifixion but the resurrection, not the cross but the crown. It took incredible humility and strength to say "…not my will, but thine be done" (Luke 22:42). Jesus knew when to yield, when to change course, and when to stay on course.
How can we know when to be flexible and when to be inflexible? It all has to do with what God is telling us, with our ability to listen and obey God's guidance. Usually, we can follow this simple guideline: if it's an issue regarding people, be flexible; if it's an issue regarding principle, stand firm.
Here are some questions that can help us be flexible:
Is this course of action from God?
Or, is it just something I really want to do and am not really certain it's God-sanctioned?
Am I fighting against God or for God if I think or act a certain way?
What will happen if I yield up my own plans or ideas?
And, perhaps more poignantly:
What will happen if I refuse to be flexible -- refuse to yield, to give up my own view of the situation, my own way of doing things, my own plans and follow God's lead?
If nothing else changes (for I can't change others or alter outside circumstances), and if I don't change my course of thought and action, what will the consequences be?
Answering these questions honestly and humbly should give us the desire and impetus to express flexibility. Jesus' life shows us the value and power of flexibility. When we bend, we don't break.
As we think more about Jesus' flexibility, we realize that even when Jesus stood firm with principle, he still bent – but he bent to God's will. Because he bent to God's will, he was not broken. Rather, he rose. When we bend to God's will, we find that we are able to stand strong and rise above situations that may seem to us like a cross. We, too, can claim our own resurrection.
PO2 Edwin Engelmann MSgt William Anderson SSG Diane R. LT Ed Skiba SPC Rob Raybourn PVT Kenneth Krause Cpl Jeff N. SGT Cody Skinner SSgt Max Gonzales PO3 Kathy Patton Sgt Pedro Perez SFC Wade Adams CW3 (Join to see) Cpl Robert Bietz Col Ray Bruneau
SP5 Jeannie Carle
John 12 - SO important! When my younger brother was killed, I could NOT understand why God would let that happen - he was a vital part of our family - one day - after my Salvation - sitting in church reading ahead of the Pastor - that one jumped out - right off the page - THAT's why - because of his untimely, horrific death - I, my other brother, my now-ex husband and my MOM were saved. I could finally find peace with that loss, altho - 41 years later, it still makes me cry.
PO3 Rod Arnold
SGT Steve McFarland A ships steel hull and an airplanes aluminum frame are no match for Rock!
LTC Stephen F.
I pray that you and I are firm in our Godly convictions and flexible in extending grace, help and compassion, my friend and brother-in-Christ PO1 H Gene Lawrence and sister-in-Christ Linda Lawrence.
LORD Jesus YOU demonstrated genuine love in the face of religious leaders whose hearts were whitewashed tombs. YOU turned society upside down by elevating women and children as worthy of respect and honor.
LORD I pray that YOU use each of YOUR adopted children as YOU know best to minister to widows, widowers, orphans, prisoners, the demented, the injured, the broken and the grieving throughout this land and other nations. Empower each of us for service as hands and feet of YOURs on earth and/or prayer warriors.
We each need a fresh infilling of YOU for keep us compassionate, humble, flexible and useful. Give each one eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart sensitive to YOU.
LORD God I ask YOU to prepare the roadways before they arrive to ensure the roads are safe and secure and protect these bikers from any other vehicle driver. Keep each and every driver alert who are intersecting with the bikers throughout this trip.
LORD, I pray for peace and joy of the family members of the bikers who may be concerned about this road trip and that each and every one has a restful night’s sleep.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
LORD Jesus YOU demonstrated genuine love in the face of religious leaders whose hearts were whitewashed tombs. YOU turned society upside down by elevating women and children as worthy of respect and honor.
LORD I pray that YOU use each of YOUR adopted children as YOU know best to minister to widows, widowers, orphans, prisoners, the demented, the injured, the broken and the grieving throughout this land and other nations. Empower each of us for service as hands and feet of YOURs on earth and/or prayer warriors.
We each need a fresh infilling of YOU for keep us compassionate, humble, flexible and useful. Give each one eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart sensitive to YOU.
LORD God I ask YOU to prepare the roadways before they arrive to ensure the roads are safe and secure and protect these bikers from any other vehicle driver. Keep each and every driver alert who are intersecting with the bikers throughout this trip.
LORD, I pray for peace and joy of the family members of the bikers who may be concerned about this road trip and that each and every one has a restful night’s sleep.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs "Flexibility Day" Why? Either you are flexible or you may fail.
A mindset taught me in the military, Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. Be flexible soldier. It is essential to success in the military and life, the alternative, failure.
Flexibility, sometimes things don't go as planned, detours, delays, or a total change of plans occur. You can go with the flow, go where flexibility takes you, or can just go home.
Flexibility Mikel and Billy, we're flexible with you. That advantage of the chance to rest, fellowship and do something spontaneous. Our thoughts and prayers.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Maj Marty Hogan Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Stephen F. SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth TSgt Joe C. SGT (Join to see) SGT John " Mac " McConnell TSgt David L. Sgt Deborah Cornatzer Maj Robert Thornton Sgt Randy Wilber MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi PO1 H Gene Lawrence PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Cpl Scott McCarroll Alan K. SP5 Mark Kuzinski CW5 Jack Cardwell
A mindset taught me in the military, Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. Be flexible soldier. It is essential to success in the military and life, the alternative, failure.
Flexibility, sometimes things don't go as planned, detours, delays, or a total change of plans occur. You can go with the flow, go where flexibility takes you, or can just go home.
Flexibility Mikel and Billy, we're flexible with you. That advantage of the chance to rest, fellowship and do something spontaneous. Our thoughts and prayers.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Maj Marty Hogan Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Stephen F. SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth TSgt Joe C. SGT (Join to see) SGT John " Mac " McConnell TSgt David L. Sgt Deborah Cornatzer Maj Robert Thornton Sgt Randy Wilber MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi PO1 H Gene Lawrence PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Cpl Scott McCarroll Alan K. SP5 Mark Kuzinski CW5 Jack Cardwell
PO3 Rod Arnold
CPL Dave Hoover LOL, for sure. Every so often we were thrown a curve ball to see just how flexible we were!
LTC Stephen F.
I pray that you and I are firm in our Godly convictions and flexible in extending grace, help and compassion, my friend and brother-in-Christ CPL Dave Hoover.
LORD Jesus YOU demonstrated genuine love in the face of religious leaders whose hearts were whitewashed tombs. YOU turned society upside down by elevating women and children as worthy of respect and honor.
LORD I pray that YOU use each of YOUR adopted children as YOU know best to minister to widows, widowers, orphans, prisoners, the demented, the injured, the broken and the grieving throughout this land and other nations. Empower each of us for service as hands and feet of YOURs on earth and/or prayer warriors.
We each need a fresh infilling of YOU for keep us compassionate, humble, flexible and useful. Give each one eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart sensitive to YOU.
LORD God I ask YOU to prepare the roadways before they arrive to ensure the roads are safe and secure and protect these bikers from any other vehicle driver. Keep each and every driver alert who are intersecting with the bikers throughout this trip.
LORD, I pray for peace and joy of the family members of the bikers who may be concerned about this road trip and that each and every one has a restful night’s sleep.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
LORD Jesus YOU demonstrated genuine love in the face of religious leaders whose hearts were whitewashed tombs. YOU turned society upside down by elevating women and children as worthy of respect and honor.
LORD I pray that YOU use each of YOUR adopted children as YOU know best to minister to widows, widowers, orphans, prisoners, the demented, the injured, the broken and the grieving throughout this land and other nations. Empower each of us for service as hands and feet of YOURs on earth and/or prayer warriors.
We each need a fresh infilling of YOU for keep us compassionate, humble, flexible and useful. Give each one eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart sensitive to YOU.
LORD God I ask YOU to prepare the roadways before they arrive to ensure the roads are safe and secure and protect these bikers from any other vehicle driver. Keep each and every driver alert who are intersecting with the bikers throughout this trip.
LORD, I pray for peace and joy of the family members of the bikers who may be concerned about this road trip and that each and every one has a restful night’s sleep.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
Good Monday morning COL Mikel J. Burroughs I am sorry that you and Billy have to change your plan but I suspect you will make good use of the time there in Billings, Montana.
I had to search for the more complete version of this quote; most of them show just the second line but I believe the first is just as important.
Flexibility is needed for success. If we have too rigid a life, if our expectations and behavior are etched in stone we are going to fail more often than we succeed. It takes flexibility to lead a successful life; much like riding a motorcycle I think. You stay on the road, sometimes you have to change lanes or move from center to side to avoid obstacles but your direction doesn't falter.
How does flexibility help you cope with life's challenges?
LTC Stephen F. SPC Douglas Bolton Sgt John H. TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL TSgt David L. SMSgt David A Asbury MSgt David Hoffman SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown CPL Dave Hoover CMSgt (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell Sgt Randy Wilber SCPO Morris Ramsey SP5 Mark Kuzinski LTC (Join to see)
I had to search for the more complete version of this quote; most of them show just the second line but I believe the first is just as important.
Flexibility is needed for success. If we have too rigid a life, if our expectations and behavior are etched in stone we are going to fail more often than we succeed. It takes flexibility to lead a successful life; much like riding a motorcycle I think. You stay on the road, sometimes you have to change lanes or move from center to side to avoid obstacles but your direction doesn't falter.
How does flexibility help you cope with life's challenges?
LTC Stephen F. SPC Douglas Bolton Sgt John H. TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL TSgt David L. SMSgt David A Asbury MSgt David Hoffman SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown CPL Dave Hoover CMSgt (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell Sgt Randy Wilber SCPO Morris Ramsey SP5 Mark Kuzinski LTC (Join to see)
Lt Col Charlie Brown
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter LT Brad McInnis PO3 Bob McCord CW3 Dick McManus SGT John " Mac " McConnell CWO3 Dennis M. MSgt Stephen Council LTC (Join to see) LTC Stephan PorterLTC Stephen C. LTC Greg Henning SGT Gregory Lawritson Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SGT Jim Arnold Maj Robert Thornton Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SFC Francisco Rosario LTC (Join to see) SGT (Join to see)
LTC Stephen F.
I pray that you and I are firm in our Godly convictions and flexible in extending grace, help and compassion, my friend and sister-in-Christ Lt Col Charlie Brown.
LORD Jesus YOU demonstrated genuine love in the face of religious leaders whose hearts were whitewashed tombs. YOU turned society upside down by elevating women and children as worthy of respect and honor.
LORD I pray that YOU use each of YOUR adopted children as YOU know best to minister to widows, widowers, orphans, prisoners, the demented, the injured, the broken and the grieving throughout this land and other nations. Empower each of us for service as hands and feet of YOURs on earth and/or prayer warriors.
We each need a fresh infilling of YOU for keep us compassionate, humble, flexible and useful. Give each one eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart sensitive to YOU.
LORD God I ask YOU to prepare the roadways before they arrive to ensure the roads are safe and secure and protect these bikers from any other vehicle driver. Keep each and every driver alert who are intersecting with the bikers throughout this trip.
LORD, I pray for peace and joy of the family members of the bikers who may be concerned about this road trip and that each and every one has a restful night’s sleep.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
LORD Jesus YOU demonstrated genuine love in the face of religious leaders whose hearts were whitewashed tombs. YOU turned society upside down by elevating women and children as worthy of respect and honor.
LORD I pray that YOU use each of YOUR adopted children as YOU know best to minister to widows, widowers, orphans, prisoners, the demented, the injured, the broken and the grieving throughout this land and other nations. Empower each of us for service as hands and feet of YOURs on earth and/or prayer warriors.
We each need a fresh infilling of YOU for keep us compassionate, humble, flexible and useful. Give each one eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart sensitive to YOU.
LORD God I ask YOU to prepare the roadways before they arrive to ensure the roads are safe and secure and protect these bikers from any other vehicle driver. Keep each and every driver alert who are intersecting with the bikers throughout this trip.
LORD, I pray for peace and joy of the family members of the bikers who may be concerned about this road trip and that each and every one has a restful night’s sleep.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
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